Chapter 22 : the new guy...

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(A/N) original chapter. get ready to go dark side...

Lucifers POV

I woke up with neo in my arms. I look at my phone to see a text from roman that read.

'Its time to show the new guy the ropes.' Roman texted.

'Its about time. Meet you at the wearhouse.' I text back. I wake neo up and she yawns and streaches.

"Morning!" Neo said. I showed her the text. "Ok ill get ready." She says getting up and going into the bathroom and i hear the shower turn on. I walk over to cronix and slap him until he wakes up.

"Ow! Ok... just why!?" He says both angery and confused. I then show him the text. " ok let me get ready..." i says heading to the bathroom until i grab the back of his shirt. "What?" He ask then he hears the shower. "Oh... now i get it."

"Ok lets wake the new guy." I tell him. We walk over to deckers bed and i slap him once.

"OW!" Why!?!" He yell but somehow dosent wake asher.

"Get ready. But not the shower we gotta go." I tell him and show him the text.

"Let me guess. Im the new guy." Decker ask.

"Yup!" Cronix says putting on his fadora.

"Ok showers open." Neo says walking out in her beacon outfit.

"Ok." I tell her and start talking to cronix and decker. 

(A/N) i havent shown neo's siren outfit yet. So its this but the hair is the same but all brown with a line of white and two pink eyes.

 So its this but the hair is the same but all brown with a line of white and two pink eyes

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"So what are we gonna do?" Decker ask.

"An easy job dont worry." I tell him. Then i fell something on both my shoulders. I look to my left to see shadow. Then i look to my right to see neo holding onto me with her feet dangaling around. "Hello both of you." I tell them.

"Well im here because i love you!" Neo says.

"Im just here because i dont want to be chicken dinner." Shadow says.

"AWW!" I hear cronix and decker say. 

"Shut it!" Neo yells at them. 

"Whao... little girl got a high voice." Cronix says.

"Maybe we should just get going..." i tell them. We walk out of our dorm and start walking when i someone bumps into me while they were running. "Ow..." i say.

"Im so sorry sir!" A girl with brown hair and rabbit ears.

"Its no problem." I tell her getting up and holding a hand to help her.

"Thank you mr-" she cut herself off. "Wait arent you the guy who helped me with cardin winchester!" She asked.

"Yes i think i am and its no problem mrs?" I ask.

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