Stessful nights mean good dreams

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Josh's POV
It was late. About three hours after midnight I think. I was walking Iza back home after her shift at the bar.
I sighed silently as I kept her close. Why of all places did she have the be a bartender? I guess it's ok since she only has to work twice a week and she gets payed good, but she has to wear a shirt tight dress and there are other guys around and drinking...
I know Iza would never cheat on me. I trust her with all my heart. But I don't trust those asses who spend all night drinking and saying cheesy pickup lines to her. I felt a weight on my shoulder and I looked over. Iza had dropped her head on my shoulder. As I looked closer I noticed dark circles under her eyes and a tired face expression. I sighed and wrapped my arm around her. She hasn't gotten much sleep lately due to nightmares and homework.

Iza's POV
I leaned on Josh as we walked. I was so tired. All I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep. But that would have to wait. I need to shower and finish homework for Monday... I sighed and closed my eyes slightly.
My eyes widened a bit as I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I looked up and saw that Josh had picked me up.
"Your sleeping when we get back. You can do whatever else you need to do tomorrow."
I didn't fight back. One because I was to tired and two I knew there was no poky fighting back. Josh is as stubborn as a mule in a field. Instead I just curled up in his arms and closed my eyes. I thought back to yesterday night when I did sleep. It wasn't that great. Nightmares filled my dreams. Mostly of him. The person who had ruined my early teen years. I tired to push him out of my head. He's not around anymore. At leas not around me.

Josh's POV
I felt Iza tense up a bit. I knew she wasn't sleeping. If she was she would be snoring.
"You ok down there?" I asked her as I finally walked inside the building.
She nodded and moved closer to me.
I sighed. I didn't believe her. I had learned that when a girl says she's ok it really means she's not ok. I sighed and held her closer as I walked up to our room. Only to hear sounds from it.
I froze outside the door. Fucking roommates. I sighed and walked in covering Iza's ears best I could.
I went to our room hoping to block the sounds out more but it didn't help. Why did they have to do this here?!
I heard Iza groan a bit. I set her down on the bed and laid beside her.
"Try to sleep ok?" I said to her gently.
She nodded and curled up in my chest, still wearing her uniform.
I closed my eyes and waited to hear her soft snores. When they came I kissed her head and got ready to sleep. These kind of nights were the worse. The stressful ones. But one good thing did come out of it. It was on these nights that I would have the best dreams. Stressful nights equals good dreams I guess.

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