Constume ship

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Iza's POV
Finally it was my favourite holiday of the year! Halloween! I had just finished making my Ink costume before slipping it on. Not bad if I do say so myself. I just wish I could look as cute as cute as Ink himself.

Josh's POV
I saw her Ink costume and it got the gears in my head turning. I quickly put together an Error costume and put it on. There we go. I even have blue stings wrapped around my fingers! I walked to the kitchen were I saw her typing away on her phone.
"Turn around." I told her.
She turned around and when she saw me she looked shocked.
"Now we can be one of the best ships ever!" I said.
She giggled "One of the best? I though Ink and Error was your favour along side with Fresh and PJ."
I grinned and picked her up off the chair and set her on my lap.
"Nope my favourite ship is Faffle and it always will be!"
A light blush crept on her cheeks which caused my grin to get bigger.
I pecked her cheek before taking her to the living room and playing horror movies THAT WERE PG!

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