Morning after

18 0 1

Josh's POV
I blinked a few times not remembering what happened.
Then they hit me. The memories from last night rushed into my head.
I couldn't help but smirk at this. We definitely had more than a round two.
I looked over at Iza and smiled. She was still fast asleep in my arms. I grinned as I pecked her head and carefully got up. I threw on some boxers and headed to the kitchen. After five minutes I heard whining from the bedroom so I figured she was awake. As soon as I peeked my head in a pillow hit my face. I pouted as I looked at her "Baaaaaaaaaabe." I whined
She stuck her tongue out "I can't move now," she whined back
"Then I have done my job." I said with a wink before walking off.
I heard her groan "Get back here so I can throw another pillow at you!" She said
I laughed and shook my head with a huge smile on my face. I went back to our room after five minutes with the food and was prepared to dodge a pillow. This time it hit my no no spot.
I groaned and nearly dropped the food.
I could hear Iza laughing. I looked at her with a playful glare "I make you breakfast and as a Thanks I get a pillow thrown at me." I said in an over dramatic voice
She rolled her eyes playfully "I was aiming for your head but as you can see I have horrible aim."
I just laughed again and handed her her food.  After we finished our breakfast I got a bath for her ready and dropped her in the tub. 
She yelped as I dropped her in their and clung to the sides. I laughed at her and got splashed in return.
"Getting me wet are you? I thought that was my job for you." I teased.
Her eyes went wide and her face went bright red before de splashed more water at me. "Joshua porter you are a sin!" She said while laughing.
I chuckled "I try." I said as I winked.
She shook her head and splashed more water at me.
After she was finished she helped me to clean the bathroom which had turned into a splash pad.
I went out to the kitchen and looked out the window "Hey it's snowing!" I said.
Iza groaned "Nooooo!"
I laughed "Aw come on babe snow is fuuuuuuun!"
"It's also cooooooooold." She said.
"You just admitted to it being fun." I said with a smirk.
She sent me a playful glare and fell onto the couch while yawning.
"Aw ya can't be tired already! I thought we were gonna have another go tonight." I said with another smirk. And that's how I ended up with three pillows thrown at me that day. But I did get it again that night!

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