Old love

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Iza's POV
I was sitting in the library reading a (a/n BORING) book about the holocaust for a test I have on Thursdays.
"Vanessa?" I heard someone say.
I looked behind me and my eyes widened.
"If it wasn't for you calling me that stupid nickname I wouldn't even had recognized you." I said with a playful grin.
He laughed and sat beside me "Only reason I recognized you was cause your reading a history book and your curls."
I rolled my eyes. Dolton was my crush of two years, before I finally got over him.
"What are you doing here idiot number one?" I asked.
He chuckled "My cousin goes to this collage and I'm just visiting them for the weekend. What about you?"
I nodded "I'm a student here."
"Nice. What are you studying?"

Josh's POV
I saw Iza talking and laughing with some other boy. Who the hell was he?! And why was he talking to Iza?! I felt a small pit in my stomach. She wasn't going to like this guy over me, was she?! When he finally left I went over and sat in the chair.
"Hey Josh." She said.
"Hey who was that guy you were talking to?" I asked her, trying to hide my concern.
She gave me a strange look before laughing a bit.
"Oh so your jealous? Don't worry he's just a kid I used to like in middle school for god knows why." She said.
My face burned up "I wasn't jealous! Just wanted to make sure he isn't a serial killer." I said.
She rolled her eyes "Sure sure whatever you say Josh."
I rolled my eyes slightly and started to doodle on my hand. I didn't realize what I was drawing until I finished. It was of PJ and Fresh.
"You still have to go on a date with him Fresh." She said with a giggle.
"Yeah and you still have to get eaten by Toby Waffles." I said.
She slapped my arm playfully and laughed. I wrapped my arm around her. That guy may be her old love but I was her new love.

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