Creepy old house

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Iza's POV
Flashlight check, jacket check, blanket check, pillow check camera check. I have everything I need to stay the night in the abandoned student apartment! As I put my stuff in a bag I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. Shit.
"Where you off to?" Josh asked me.
I sighed and told him about the abandoned student apartment.
"Well looks like we're going ghost hunting tonight." He said.
I rose an eyebrow "Your coming?" I asked.
He gave me a look and said "You get scared over PG horror movies. You'll have three heart attacks if you go there alone." He said.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms "Fine. Just don't be overprotective alright?" I said.
He chuckled "No promises Iza."

Josh's POV
We got to the apartment.
"Huh it doesn't look at old as I thought it would look." I said.
"It's only been closed down for a few years." Iza said as she pulled out her flashlight.
"And you think it's hunted?" I asked.
"It closed down because of a fire. Ten people were killed." She explained.
I gulped silently but hid my fear. No way was I about to show that I was scared. She started walking in and I followed her while looking around.
As soon as we stepped in I wanted to leave. It looked like one of those hunted houses in Niagara Falls only ten times worse. I swore I could hear footsteps coming from upstairs but I convinced myself that it was just the wind. I think Iza heard it to. Her face was as pale as a sheet and she shook a bit. She started walking towards the stairs and I followed. I kinda selfishly wish I hadn't come.

Iza's POV
I'm hiding in a closet. Why may you ask? Cause theirs a homeless guy with an axe in this place! I pulled out my phone and text Josh, hoping he's ok and he would find me before the axe man did. I shot my head up as the door opened and I saw Josh. He grabbed my hand and we ran out of there as fast as possible.
Josh's POV
Well that was fun.


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