Wanna die?!

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~When Iza wants to die~
Iza's POV
Rope check, knife check, letter check, chair check. I sighed as I tied the rope around my neck and got on my chair.
I was so tired of people making fun of me cause I twitch and do things not many people to. Than my mom text me and was being her usual bitch self. I finally broke when I got a text that told me to end my life. I started toeing the rope around the ceiling fan when the door slammed open. I yelped and fell of the chair. The rope around the fan untied as I hit the floor.
"What the hell do you think your doing?!" Josh yelled in a voice filled with worry.
I didn't look up at him and got on all fours and looked down. He came down to my level and hugged me tightly. I weakly hugged back and cried into his chest. I should have gone faster. Than I would be dead by now.
"W-why would u-you even t-try that?!" He said.
I didn't answer. It seemed he understood and didn't say anything. He kissed my head and kept me close to him and let me cry. Guess I won't be dying for a while.

~when Josh wants to die~
Josh's POV
I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked at the pills in my hands. Is this really happening? Am I really going to do this? Well people keep telling me that I should just crawl into a hole and die. I was about to take them when someone tackled me down. The pills spilled on the floor but all I could hear was sobs.
"W-what a-are you d-doing?!" Iza said.
I sighed and kept her close "I I don't know..." I said.
She cried quietly and hugged me tightly. I closed my eyes, holding back my own tears as I hugged back. Guess I won't be dying for a while.

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