The big surprise

25 0 12

Josh's POV
Oh deer I'm pregnant.
On her sweater.
Oh deer I as in Iza is pregnant.
I stared at her sweater in shock. I, Joshua Porter am going to be a dad.
I Joshua Porter have made a living being with Iza.
I felt many emotions in this moment.
Happiness, fear, shock, excitement.
But only one showed on my face

Happiness/ excitement ending
I stood up and picked Iza up before spinning her around.
I could feel her hold onto me as I spin her. I'm going to be a dad!! Yes yes YES!

Fear/Shock ending
I stared in disbelief. What if I won't be a good dad? What if something happens to the baby? What if something happens to Iza?! I then fainted.

//a/n you pick what ending you want me to continue from

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