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Iza's POV
I am freaking the fuck out. I have a present for Josh that he'll either hate so much or love so much. I have other ones for him but this is the biggest one. I paced back and fourth the apartment thinking of how I would give it to him. After looking at a magazine on the table I knew immediately. I grabbed my backpack and ran out onto the snowy streets.

Josh's POV
I pouted as I as kicked out of the room so Iza could wrap my presents. I hat surprises. Why can't I watch her wrap them. I sat on the couch with my arms crossed and a pout on my face. I heard the bedroom door open and footsteps come towards me.
I heard a small giggle "Really?" She said.
I didn't say anything and pouted more. She rolled her eyes and ruffled my hair "Quit your pouting help me put the tree up."
I looked up at her still pouting. She was smiling and shook her head "Fine I'll do it by myself." She said as she walked over to the box where the Christmas tree was. I watched as she struggled to put the tree up.
"Josh get over here and help meeeeeee." She said
"Nu." I finally said
"Fine you can sleep on the couch tonight."
"Nuuuuuuuuu!" I said as I ran over to help her.
She laughed and started putting he lights on.
I smiled and watched her as I helped her.
I noticed something different about her but I can't figure out what it is.
I stared long and hard before she looked at me.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"There's something different." I said.
She thought for a minute "I'm wearing new pants." She said.
I nodded even though I knew that wasn't it. I'm gonna figure out what's different if it kills me.

Timeskip to Christmas

Iza's POV
I put all of Josh's presents under the tree. Well almost all of them. I got the last big present out from under the kitchen sink and hid it in the very back on my dresser. I yelped as Josh picked me up and spun me.
"It's Christmas!!!!" He cheered.
I laughed and shook my head "Yes child it's Christmas."
He pouted and set me down "Meani." He said.
I laughed "Is that what I get for putting you presents under the tree?"
He grinned and ran to the living room "Hurry up Iza!"
I laughed and walked into the living room. Silently praying he would like all his gifts. Especially the last one."

Josh's POV
I grinned as Iza opened her last gift from me. I was glad she liked all her gifts and I love all of mine! I can tell she's nervous about something though. At first I thought she was nervous about me not liking my gifts but I've opened them all and she still seems nervous.
I hugged her "Thank you for all the gifts." I said as I kissed her head.
She bit her lip "I have one more for you. And well I don't know if you'll like this one." She said as she got up and went to our room.
I rose an eyebrow and waited.

Iza's POV
I put the sweater and looked in the mirror. I took a deep breath and walked back to the living room.

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