Chapter Two

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Unknown POV:

New school, new life, new start blah blah blah. Is that what he seriously believes for me? To have a 'normal' life before the unavoidable comes? Ha. Yeah right. Like I can get that off my mind long enough to even attempt to have a normal life. But, I'll give it a go for him. How hard can it be?

Back to Narrator POV:

The school day was going by fast and neither Bella or her friends saw Mr 'Mysterious Hot Back' again. For some unknown reason, this bugged Bella. She is, after all, the Queen of the school so shouldn't she at least know who her students were? She had gotten quite good at remembering everyone's names in all the years and not knowing who the new guy was, made her feel unsettled. She had to know. Otherwise, it would bug her. 

But she's not going to turn into some crazed stalker who literally sits outside people's houses and records everything they do. Oh no, she wouldn't become that. 

Because then she'll be turning into Lauran. Gross.

The bell for lunch rang out and Bella collected her English books before slowly making her way out of the classroom through the crowds. As expected, Jessica and Angela were both stood waiting for her, their books tightly in their hands as they leant against the wall chatting to one another. The mission was to see if either of them had a class with the new student, so far, Bella didn't have one. But there was still the afternoon so she didn't loose hope. 

"Hey" Bella greeted her friends and smiled to a few other students who greeted her. "You ready?"

"Sure am. I just need to go to my locker first. These books are heavy" Angela complained and they all agreed and followed her to her locker. 

Their lockers were next to one another so whilst Angela put her books away, Bella did the same realising she didn't need them until tomorrow. She did all her work in class including her homework which meant she didn't have to do a single thing tonight. Being on top of your classwork has its perks. Angela finally finished putting her books away and together, in a line of three, they walked down the corridor with everyone moving to one side whilst staring. This was something she was used to. 

What she wasn't used to though, was the mysterious guy sitting at the table where they usually sat. They stood there trying not to stand out with their mouths open, Jess finally closed her mouth and looked at her two friends. "What do we do? Ask him to move?"

Bella quickly shut her mouth, composed herself and shook her head. "No. That will come across rude and that's something we all don't want. Let him sit there today and we'll see what happens" They looked at her with confusion on their faces. "What?"

"Who are you and what have you to done to Bella?" Jessica asked. "Normally she would freak out that someone was sat at our table"

"You're making me sound like a brat. And he's new, it's his first day. Let him sit there for today and hopefully tomorrow he'll know the ropes of this place"

Angela looked at him again. "And if he doesn't?"

"Then I'll have to tell them to him" Bella smiled pleased with her idea.

Jessica scoffed. "Is that so you can talk to him?"

Bella looked at Jessica with her eyebrows raised. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh come on Bella! It's pretty obvious you have your eyes on him and you don't even know him! It's Edward Cullen all over again!" 

"Okay, first off, don't ever mention that scumbags name again. Understood?" Jessica nodded. "Secondly, jealous much? I'm kind of the Queen of the school so it's my job to know everyone. Nothing will happen between us both" Bella rolled her eyes. "And besides, with the whole Cullen thing, be glad you didn't know them. You got off easy."

Bella shuddered. Vampires. She thought. Out of everything they had to be vampires that sparkled in the sun like freaking unicorns. 

"Bella's right Jess," Angela commented. "Come on, the food's gonna be all gone" She looked at Bella. "Can you get us a table?"

Bella nodded. "Sure"

Jess pulled a face. "Ugh, rubber food. Nice"

Bella laughed and patted Jess's shoulder. "That's why I bring my own food"

They all laughed and Angela dragged a very reluctant but hungry Jessica to the back of the food line. Bella moved her way through the busy crowd and loads of tables before she found the perfect one which was close, but not too close, to the table where they usually sat and where the mysterious boy now sat. Perfect.Bella thought. I can look at him without being creepy. She could finally see what he looks like and gasped at the sight. 

He. Is. Drop. Dead.Gorgeous. 

She was right about the hair, it was even darker from the front and it looked even fluffier. It's so fluffy I'm going to die! Bella suddenly thought with that little girl's voice from Despicable Me. She should have never let Angela talk her into watching that minion movie. Shaking her head to clear that thought, she glanced at his facial features and decided that he could defiantly give all the Cullen's a run for their money with his looks. He had a defined face, high cheekbones, a little stubble and a jawline to die for. Bella couldn't see his eyes as he was hunched over reading a book in his lap. He looked tall, lean and had a lot of muscles and Bella couldn't help the sigh that left her lips. It was going to be one hell of a year with him around. 

Angela and Jess returned with what they call food and sat next to Bella. Jess was squealing in Bella's ear causing Bella to push her away from her. "Ouch Jess. I do like to hear ya know"

"Sorry sorry" She didn't sound sorry at all. "I found out his name" She looked at the mysterious guy. 

This caught their attention. "Who is he?"

"How did you get it?" Asked Bella. 

Jessica waved her hand in a dismissing way. "That doesn't matter" She smiled. "His name is James Nolan"

Bella glanced back at the new guy. James Nolan. Perfect name for a perfect guy. Now, all she needs to do is actually talk to him. That shouldn't be too hard. Right? 

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