Chapter Fifteen

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Boom! fan_girl_dreamerx is back with another update!

Good morning my lovelies! If you're from the UK it's currently 9:29 am and I am feeling refreshed after a good nights sleep! Who else loves listening to Capital FM first thing in the morning? I know I do!

Yes...the gif has something to do with the chapter...gah even angry he's adorable <3 

I've had some good ideas of what you guys think would happen! It's amazing how close you are! 

Hope you enjoy this chapter my Dreamers (Yes that's what I'm calling you now)


Whilst Bella slept, James started cleaning around the house just for something to do. He had never slept in his entire life so he had to find something to do over the night. Normally, he would just read, play the piano or sing, but since Bella was sleeping in the other room and he didn't fancy waking her up (and he couldn't be bothered picking up a book) he decided to clean. He dusted, vacuumed and moved things to their rightful places but since he didn't have a clue how to work some of the stuff (he got tangled in the vacuums cleaner wires) it took him all night. 

When Bella woke up, James was lying on the floor surrounded by cleaning products and the vacuums cleaners wire wrapped around his body. "Bloody thing!"

She slowly sat up in bed after hearing James curse and raised her eyebrow in confusion before stepping onto the cold floor which made her flinch and head to what she hoped was the main room. When she finally reached the main room, she was stunned by its beauty for a few seconds before the sight of James on the floor made her burst out laughing. 

"I-don't" She tried to calm down but she couldn't. "Want to know"

James frowned. "Instead of standing there laughing, help me!"

Bella stopped laughing and grinned. "And why would I do that?"

"Becuase it's the right thing to do!"

"But seeing you struggling is literally the best thing" Bella sat down on the cream coloured couch. 

"Bella, stop being a bitch and help me!" James joked and struggled in the wires but he only got himself more tangled up in them. 

"Well...since you called me a bitch, you can stick it" Bella teased

James stopped struggling and glared at her. "I saved your ass back there so you can repay me by helping me!"

"I seem to remember I saved your ass too" She smiled. "So we're even" James frowned. "We need to talk about that by the way"

"And we will if you help me!"

Bella sighed, stood up from her place on the couch and started untangling him which took a good twenty minutes because every time Bella thought she had done it, he somehow managed to get himself more tangled up. Finally, she unwrapped the last wire and sighed in relief when James jumped up with his arms in the air and a grin on his face. 

"I'M FREE!" He exclaimed. 

"No thanks to me" Bella stood up. "Just proves that men cannot do housework"

James pouted. "That thing is evil!"

"That thing is called a vacuum cleaner" Bella laughed

"Whatever" James mumbled

James took Bella's hands in his and gently pressed his lips to her knuckles making her blush. "Why don't you go freshen up and I'll move all this"

"Is that your way of saying I smell?" Bella raises her eyebrow with a smile on her face. 

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