Chapter Seventeen

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*Nervously puts arm around your shoulder* So hey...sorry for not updating. But I'm updating now so that's okay right? No? Okay... *removes arm and runs away*

For those who are a little miffed that Edward didn't die at the hands of James...all I can say is, have you ever doubted me? I have plans for him *evil grins*

Writing this and listening to Nightcore...ahhh how I love Nightcore...

Enjoy my Dreamers 


To say the talk between Bella, James and the Cullen's was going bad was an understatement. As soon as Bella walked into the living room she was met with the sight of James choking Emmett, Rosalie trying, and failing, to pull James off Emmett, Carlisle doing what he does best and trying to stop them with words, Esme was just sat watching the scene whilst rolling her eyes, Alice was helping Rosalie, Jasper was stood there with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face and Edward, well, Edward was filming it with a smile on his face. 

And that was even before they got to the talking part. 

Bella managed to pry James off Emmett and pull him so he was sat on the cream couch and she planted herself on his lap to stop him from doing anything stupid but that only seemed to anger Edward. He screamed at James for 'being no good for Bella' and 'she's my mate, not your's', and James had to hold Bella back before she killed the sparkling idiot. Soon enough, everyone was screaming at one another and Bella soon forgot why they are arguing with them in the first place but she didn't care, she had all this bottled up rage towards them and there was no way she was going to stop now. 

"Enough!" Carlisle screamed silencing everyone but Bella just glared at him. "We agreed to talk not argue"

"Actually...I never agreed to this. I was rudely awakened and wasn't given a choice" Bella snapped. "And I don't need to listen to you Carlisle, you're not my father"

Hurt crossed Carlisle's face but Bella didn't care, instead, she just continued screaming at Edward and names like 'fairy face', 'dickward' and 'sparkly freak' came out of her mouth more than once. Edward tried to act like the names Bella was calling him didn't hurt one bit, but he was lying to himself, he tried convincing Bella that James was no good for her but everyone could see that it was getting nowhere. Bella defended her's and James's relationship which surprised James, he had never had someone defend him like Bella was doing, and in that moment, his cold heart warmed up a little. 

Finally, after hours of none stop screaming and fighting (Esme would now have to replace the living room window as James threw Edward out of it), Bella grew tired and ran her fingers through her hair that she had pulled out of her ponytail due to stress. "This is getting us nowhere. What I do with my life and who I chose to be with has nothing to do with any of you. I don't care that James is the Prince Of The Underworld because that doesn't defy him! You guys have no right to me or my life. You lost that opportunity when you walked out of the door"

"Bella-" Esme started. 

"Save it" Bella cut her off, grabbed James hand and started walking back towards the woods. "We're leaving"

"Where to? You're wanted in Forks Bella. Charlie has the whole search team looking for you" Bella froze in her tracks and slowly turned to face Jasper. "What happened back there?"

"None of your business"

Alice took a slow step forward. "He's changed you, Bella. You were never like this, what happened to the sweet girl that we once knew?-"

"She grew up" Bella muttered cutting her ex-best friend off. "And James hasn't changed me he-" She took a deep breath. "It doesn't matter. Like I said, it has nothing to do with you"

"For god sake guys to leave us alone! Like Bella said, it has nothing to do with you! You guys had your chance with Bella and you blew it, therefore, it's my turn with her" James's expression grew dark. "And unlike you guys, I won't hurt her in any way"

Emmett glared at James whilst he spoke to Bella. "Bella, we never wanted to leave but we had to. It's been on our minds since we left you... we regret it so much"

"Oh've been thinking about me. Wish I could say the same for you guys but in all honesty, you haven't even crossed my mind"

This started up another argument between them all which only angered Bella and James. Something took over them so with hands clasped tightly together, they shared a look, their eyes turning red as blood and suddenly a force came out of their bodies and attacked the Cullen's who were too busy shouting at them to notice. Bella let go of James's hand, her eyes still red and a magic box appeared in her hands and she walked towards where the Cullen's were just moments before. 

But the Cullen's weren't there anymore.

Well, they were. But not in the way you think.

Somehow, when that force left James and Bella (Who still hadn't a clue as to what just happened) it turned the Cullen's into tiny bugs that were currently running around beneath Bella's feet in a panic. She bent down and smirked, her anger still taking over her body. 

"I told you to leave it be" Her voice was cold as ice. "But you just couldn't" She waved her hands and the Cullen Bugs were now in the box on her hands crowding into one corner. "And now, you're mine" 

James smirked and Bella laughed an evil smile before closing the lid of the box and making some holes that were big enough for them to breath but not big enough for them to escape. She smirked at the box, happy with the outcome. Looks like evil does win... 

Hehe sorry not sorry!

I told you I had plans for Edward and I hope I didn't disappoint. 

Still deciding on a ship name for James and Bella...seen one I like but I'm still thinking. 

The idea for turning the Cullen's into bugs came from after watching the first Descendants movie and at the end where Mal's mother turns into a mini lizard thing. I wondered what it would be like to turn into a bug...and now here's that idea! 

I told you I'm weird XD

See you all in the next update!

Also, if you could check out my new story 'Regina's Jewel' that would be amazing! It's a Once Upon A Time fanfiction :) 

Comment if you read this far! XD


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