Chapter Eleven

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Omg guys Jennifer Morrison has been spotted flying to Vancouver to film an episode of Once Upon A Time! If you're a oncer you understand the feels! That's the only good thing about the new season so far...Colin is not a pirate in the new season, he's a cop! *cries* 

Anyway, enough of my ranting, enjoy!


Bella couldn't remember what happened to her. She didn't even know where she was. All she remembers was getting into her car and driving so fast away from Jacob and Charlie when everything went black. She opened her eyes and clutched her aching head, it felt as though she was getting stabbed repeatedly in one place and all she wanted to do was curl into a ball and die but that wasn't an option. She had to know what happened and where the hell she was. Ignoring the pain in her head, she slowly stood up and had to lean against the wall as a wave of dizziness over came her. 

'Kill me now' she thought, she had never, ever, in her whole life experienced pain like this. 'I didn't even drink so it can't be a hangover...another reminder never to touch alcohol. ' (Please don't drink alcohol unless you want to face a MASSIVE AND PAINFUL hangover...take if from someone who knows)

A voice startled Bella from her thoughts. "Oh're awake"

The voice didn't come from the same place Bella was currently in. It came from across from her. 

"Who are you?" Bella's voice came out weak, her throat ached from the dryness and all she wanted was a glass of water. She would drain a river dry if it meant the dryness went. "Where am I?"

"Me? I'm no one." The voice said again, Bella could make out that it was a female. "And you're in hell. The Underworld to be exact"

"The-the Underworld?" Bella stuttered. What the hell? "There's no such thing as The Underworld." She looked around but couldn't see anything because it was that dark. "All I want is the truth."

"I am telling the truth. Denial is the first step darling, the next step is accepting and the third- well there isn't the third"?

"What do you mean? Who are you? I demand to know" 

Bella was getting frustrated with all this. She had no idea where she was, her father was out to arrest her for a crime she didn't do and a strange (and probably insane) person was claiming she was in The Underworld. She was getting fed up with everyone lying to her and just using her. Before she moved to Forks, her life had been a lot easier but since she moved to Forks, it's been a whirlwind of events that Bella shouldn't even be involved in.

The voice snickered. "I don't take demands of a little girl darling" Bella rolled her eyes, I am not a little girl. "Besides, it doesn't matter who I am. I'm going to die soon"

"You're not going to die!"

The voice laughed, a dry, heartless laugh. "Oh but I am. No one leaves here alive. The only way out is in a coffin being thrown into the River Of Lost souls. That's if you're lucky to get a coffin...most people don't"

Bella raised her eyebrows. Who was this woman? What is this place? What is the River Of Lost Souls? "You'll get out of here"

"So optimistic...I like it." Bella could sense her smiling. "But I won't, I'm going to die anytime now. The King doesn't leave any survivors. Here's a tip...if you want to live a bit longer, befriend the Prince. He's the only decent one here"



Bella knew that voice anywhere. James. She looked around hoping to see him but she couldn't because it was that dark and if she couldn't see him, he couldn't see her. She had no other option but to yell out and hope he'd hear her. 


James heard the voice he'd been wanting to hear since he left his father and quickly rushed towards the cell that it came from thankful that it was a normal cell and not like the others. He placed his hands on the metal bars, peered in and spotted Bella's big, brown, beautiful scared eyes looking straight back at him. Relief filled his body, she looked okay but he knew otherwise.

"Bella" He breathed reaching through the bars seeking her hand and grabbing it once he found it. He felt sparks run through his arms but he ignored it. "Thank God you're okay"

"I'm not okay James! What is happening? Where am I? Someone said I was in The Underworld but that isn't right...right?" James could tell Bella was trying not to cry. 

He squeezed her hand. "Shh..don't cry everything will be alright." I hope. "Yes, you are in the Underworld but it won't be for long. I promise to get you out of here"


He smirked. "Being the Prince has its advantages"

"So you're the prince huh?" Bella asked. 

James nodded even though she couldn't see. "Not my choice as you can tell...but I promise I will not let anyone hurt you"

"Why? Why do you care so much about me?"

"I don't know," He told her truthfully. "You're special Bella and since our near kiss, you've been on my mind. I can't stop thinking about you...I think I'm falling for you and I'll be damned if I let anyone hurt you."

"You don't know me" Bella had happy tears falling from her eyes and a smile on her face. 

James shook his head. "That doesn't matter. My feelings for you is what matters"

They pair just stood smiling at one another even though they couldn't see each other. James broke their gaze and looked around the cell to see if he can break her out and make a run for it, but he couldn't see any. The only option was to kick down the bars and pull her out, it would make a lot of noise and get the guards attention but that didn't matter. He needed, no, he wanted to get Bella out and free. Just as he was going to tell Bella to stand back, he heard the all too familiar cannon fire and winded his eyes. 

"Bella close your eyes and cover your ears" He told Bella

"Why? I can't see anything-"

"Just do it!"

Bella flinched at the harshness of James's voice but complied. James pressed himself further into the bars and watched in horror as the cell across from Bella's lit up showing a young, blonde girl sat on her knees with her head low as fire came out of the walls and ceiling and burnt her alive. Her screams could be heard from every corner of the hallway and James had to cover his ears himself. It went on for a couple of minutes until the fire stopped and all that remained was the young girl's ashes. He faced Bella again knowing he didn't have a lot of time.

"What was that?" Asked Bella

"Something horrible," He told her again. "Stand back, we don't have a lot of time"

Please work he thought as Bella took a step back. 

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