Chapter Twenty Two

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Sorry for the long wait! This chapter took a little longer to plan! Hope you enjoy!


Writer's POV:

It has been exactly two months since Bella and James saw one another and neither of them had made an attempt to find each other and talk. James has been busy preparing to become King whilst mending his broken heart and Bella had moved to Beverly Hills and became the most successful youngest lawyer in the area. She lived alone in a big house with her own pool in her garden and has completely forgotten about her old life and everyone in it. Except from James. She knew leaving him was the right idea but that doesn't stop the ache in her heart whenever she thinks of him, so she buries herself in her work to forget about the pain. 

It was currently 6:00 am on a bright sunny morning in Beverly Hills and Bella's alarm has just gone off waking Bella up from another nightmare. She sat up gasping clutching her chest trying to get her breathing under control before she stopped her alarm and slipped out of bed. She quickly checked her social media and any updates on Charlie and Jake- she had some of her people keeping tabs on them so she knew what they were up to- before grabbing a towel from the towel closet and headed for the shower. After doing her usual morning routine in the bathroom, she placed her used towel in the hamper before wrapping herself in her pink fluffy robe and walked towards her vanity to get ready for the day. 

Once her makeup and hair were up to her standards, she cleared up the products she used and rushed to her closet and threw on the first outfit she saw (pic of Bella's outfit and look attached), grabbed her phone and ran downstairs where she saw her chef, Carlos, cooking her breakfast. 

"Morning Carlos" She greets happily sitting down at the breakfast stool

Carlos smiled. "Good morning Bella, Pancakes okay?"

"Pancakes are fine" She nodded not looking up from her phone.

Carlos was in his late 40's and always showed Bella the respect she deserved. He can cook almost anything which made Bella love him more, everyone knows the way to a woman's heart is through food and boy, can Carlos cook. Over time they had bonded a father-daughter relationship and Bella was happy that she had someone like him in her life. 

"Here you go. Eat up" He passed her the pancakes topped with yoghurt and strawberries. "I've heard you've got a big case today"

Bella put down her phone and licked her lips. "Yep someone wanting to get out of a contract due to it not being what they had originally planned"

Carlos started cleaning up his work station. "Isn't who you're helping someone important?"

"Yeah, I still don't know who it is though" She cleared her plate and checked the time before standing up and grabbing her things. "Thanks again for the amazing breakfast Carlos"

"It's alright sweetie. Any idea when you'll be home?"

"Nope. It all depends on how today goes" Carlos gave her 'I'm not happy with that' look and Bella frowned. "Don't give me that look, this is my job and you know it"

"You need to rest," Carlos told her. "Don't think I haven't been hearing you scream in the middle of the night." He sighed. "I'll plate you up some leftovers and put them in the fridge for you"

Bella grinned. "Thanks you're the best!" She checked the time again. "But I really have to go. Cya!"


Bella rushed out of her house and to her awaiting car and climbed in the backseat checking her messages. Her phone was blowing up with many texts from the people she works with and her clients so she didn't even notice when she arrived at her office and her driver opened her door. She blushed, put her phone away and stepped out of the car. 


Her driver nodded and Bella walked into her office building and her receptionist and friend, Clara approached her with her coffee. "Good morning Bella"

"Morning Clara" She took the coffee and walked towards the elevator. "Any news?"

"You have your meeting with your new client in fifteen minutes and a court case this afternoon at three," Clara told her struggling to keep up with Bella's fast pace

"Any news on Luke?"

Luke was a client that Bella helped and instead of paying her the amount of money he owes her, he ran and everyone in Bella's team had been looking for him since. The man knew how to hide that's for sure.

"No," Clara said. "But we're getting close"

"I should hope you are. I want him found" Bella stepped in the elevator. "Go to all extremes if need be. Don't hold anything back"

"But Miss-"

Bella cut her off. "Do as I say and find him"

Clara nodded and the elevator door shut before shooting upwards. Bella took a sip of her coffee before the doors opened again on Bella's floor. She stepped out, greeted everyone and walked into her office turning on the lights and placing her coffee on her desk. She had just set up when a knock sounded on her door. 

"Come in"

A blonde haired woman peeked her head around the door. "Your 11 o'clock appointment is here miss"

"Yes, yes. Send them in"

The door closed and Bella smoothed down her outfit before plastering a fake smile on her face as she waits for her clients to arrive. The door opened again and in walked three people and Bella's mouth dropped open and her heart rate sped up. 


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