Chapter Eighteen

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Before you read this probably not so good chapter, I just want to say a few things.

Firstly, I have decided on a writing schedule that is going to take place immediately and I will hopefully stick to it.  Updates will go as followed:

Monday: Prince of The Underworld and Regina's Jewel

Tuesday: Supernatural Twilight book 2

Wednesday: No updates unless I feel bored or something.

Thursday: Prince of the Underworld

Friday: Regina's Jewel

Saturday: No updates as that's family day

Sunday: All stories. 

If you have any questions about the schedule just let me know. There could be times where I stray away from the schedule and update anyway but we'll see how it goes. If for any reason I don't update a certain story on the updating day, I will, of course, tell you why in the next update. Make sense? 

Also, I'm so happy with your support and love that you've shown me. Especially from two people who I've grown to love over the time I've got to know them. Their comments make my day and I love hearing from you. So thanks to:

Myawolf101 and TheWhovianHalfBlood 

Love you guys so much! 

Enough of the rambling, please read the authors note at the end of this chapter. I have a question to ask you all. 

Pic attached is James's parents who may or may not be in this chapter. 


James watched in amusement as Bella shoved the bug box into her bag roughly. "You might want to be a bit more gentle love, they are after all, alive"

Bella glared at him. "They are not alive their hearts don't beat therefore it shouldn't matter how I treat them" She pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath. "What the hell happened earlier?"

Not long after they had 'awakened' they were both confused on how they ended up with a trashed living room (it certainly wasn't like that when James threw Edward out of the window) and how they were in bed in a Bella, of course, freaked out, threw on the clothes she had on before and ran through the house looking for the Cullen's trying to forget that she had just given up her virginity and she couldn't even remember how it happened. James, in a shock state, had pulled on some clothes and helped Bella search for the vampires when he came across the box and put two and two together. 

When Bella found out, she freaked out even more and James had to chase her as she ran around the house screaming 'I'm a bug monster!' and 'I bloody hate bugs so why does it have to be bugs!'. All in all, in total, Bella had been freaking out for an hour before James had calmed her down. They still hadn't spoken about the very big issue. 

"Just because their hearts don't beat doesn't mean they're not alive" James couldn't believe he was defending them. "My heart doesn't beat and I'm very much alive" He smirked "And as for the, I still don't have an answer for that"

Bella looked surprised. "Your heart doesn't beat?"

"No, it doesn't. I thought I told you that?" James asked and Bella shook her head slowly. "Well, it beats sometimes just not all the time. Like when I need to use some magic or if I'm feeling something, I don't know" He shrugged and folded his arms. "I never really paid attention in heart class"

"You had a heart class?"

"Yeah can't say it was my favourite subject but then again, neither was learning how to use the big boy throne, now that was-Hey why are you laughing?" James pouted.

"Big boy throne seriously?" Bella laughed. "I'm guessing you don't mean the actual throne and you're talking about the toilet right?"

"Yes," James mumbled.

As hard as Bella tried, she couldn't control the burst of laughter that erupted out of her throat. She found herself falling to the floor clutching her stomach, tears running down her face, and James watched with his arms crossed and decided to let her have her laughing fit no matter how embarrassed he felt. Finally, after five minutes of her laughing, her breathing became even and Bella wiped the tears from her cheeks before taking a deep breath as a new thought came to her mind. A more depressing thought. 

She knew James would never, ever do what she's thinking but she had to be sure. For someone who had been hurt in the past, she had built up very high walls and couldn't trust very easily. But she knew James was slowly taking down her walls one by one which is why she knew he wouldn't do it. But she still had to know. 

"James-" She was cut off by a crash and some cussing from the kitchen. She looked at James with her eyebrows raised but he was glaring at the kitchen like he could see what had happened. 

"Oh please" Bella froze with her eyes winded at the voice. She knew that voice anywhere. "You loved the big boy throne lessons! I remember the first time you used it on your own, you were so pr-ouch!" 

"David! Now is not the time!" A female voice hissed. 

"Sorry dear" 'David' said.

James sighed. "What do you want, mother, father?"

"You," His father said before clicking his fingers making the world around Bella and James go dark...


That chapter totally sucked!

The heart and big boy throne classes are something that I made up. I have not yet seen a story with them included, therefore, if you wish to borrow them, give me some credit!

I've had some messages asking me who plays James, and even though I have included it before I shall say it again. The amazing (and very handsome) Colin O'Donoghue plays James. Look him if you've never heard of him. 

Anywhoooooo, time for the question!

How would you guys feel if I gave you a hint/clue as to what's going to happen in the next update? It won't be much, it will be something like:

James and Bella face more dangers as they uncover the truth of what they are. 

Or would you just like it to be a surprise? Let me know.

And yes, I just gave you a clue for the next chapter...hehehe

Comment your thoughts down below Dreamers! I love hearing from yah!


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