Chapter Twenty One

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Omg I'm the worst author ever! I'm so sorry for not updating! I've had hospital trips and family problems so I haven't had the chance to update! So sorry!

This chapter will be in James's POV and the gif is James's face when his mother finds him. 

(Totally listening to sad songs to get in the mood for this chapter)


James POV:

Watching Bella turn around and start heading down the hallway broke my heart even more. She was just giving up on us and everything without even trying it out. I understand that the news of being Queen would have shocked her, heck it shocked me too, but I would have thought we would have sat down and spoke about this. But no, she decided to run when things got tough instead of facing her problems. I try calling out to her as she walks away but she doesn't even look back at me but I can hear the sobs coming out of her mouth. I scream out letting all the pain and heartbreak escape my throat and punch a wall whilst watching Bella walk away with my heart. 

"James, what's wrong dear?" A soothing voice says and I turn to see my mother standing there with concern on her face. She gasps and runs towards me placing her hands on my cheeks. "Why are you crying?"

Crying? I wipe my hands on my cheeks and sure enough, there are tears there. As I stare into my mother's green eyes, I don't say anything instead I let my emotions get the better of me and I burst into tears crying on her shoulder. She doesn't say anything she just wraps her arms around me and comforts me as I let all the heart break and sorrow out. 

"Shh it's alright, it's going to be okay" She whispers and I shake my head. It will never be okay, I lost Bella. 

I slow down my breathing. "No it won't" I sniff. "Bella broke up with me"

Her breath hitched and she pulled me back so I was off her shoulder and facing her. "What do you mean she broke up with you?"

I explain everything trying not to cry until I finished the story and I burst out into tears again. I know men are supposed to be tough and not cry, but we have emotions too and break ups hurt us too. I cared for Bella a lot, heck I think I might even love her and with her breaking up with me hurts like hell. Maybe if I stayed away from her I wouldn't be feeling this way now. We weren't together long but I honestly thought she was different and actually cared about me, she knew who I was and where I was from so I thought she would take the news about being Queen okay. I mean, what was she going to expect? Me ruling alone? No, she was my girlfriend, therefore, she would become Queen. It's just logic. 

Jane (my mother) smiled softly. "I'm sure once she's calmed down she will come to her senses and come running back"

I shake my head. "She won't, she adamant that she doesn't want this"

"Everyone says that" She retorts laughing. "Heck even I said it when I first met your father, but when I thought about it I realised it is something I want. Giving up the love I have for your father just because I wouldn't stand next to him as his Queen was pretty stupid. And Bella will think the same, she'd be stupid to lose you"

"Doubt it" I mumbled. 

Just then, before she could reply, the ground around us shook signalling that someone had left the Underworld. My heart dropped thinking about who it could be. Sam, the person in charge of who leaves and who stays, appears with a grim expression on his face. 

"Who left?" Jane asks dryly. 

"Bella Swan"

Ouch. That hurt. Without looking at either Sam's or my mother's face, I poof out of the hallway and into my special place where I curl into a ball and cry. I've lost her, she's truly gone and I'm never going to get her back. 

Why does it hurt so much? 

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