Chapter Five

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I wanted to do loads of updates today but I had to go to this family event thing which was very awkward :/ 

Thanks so much for the 62 reads! I'm blown away! It hasn't been up long and I already have this many reads?! THANK YOUUUU



Writer's POV:

That night, James went home with his head in a jumble as he thought about his actions of the day. Why couldn't he get Bella out of his head? What was so important about her? Why was she drawing those symbols? Who were those people watching her as she left? Was she ever safe? Groaning, he dumped his school bag on the floor and flopped himself on the couch already getting a headache from his thoughts. 

Meanwhile, in another bit of town, Bella went home angry after having a full blown argument with Jessica in the parking lot. Jess wanted to know how her lesson with James went, and Bella who was still pissed at him and confused over the symbols snapped at her to mind her own business. Jess didn't take that well and Angela had to rip Bella off her before she could do some serious damage. 

Boy, was school going to be awkward now. Bella thought driving into her driveway. A few months back, just after Edward left, Bella's truck completely died on her so she decided to treat herself to a Chevy Impala '67, she had been obsessed with that car since she saw it on 'Supernatural', of course, she got it in black. 

Stepping out her vehicle, she could have sworn someone was watching her but as she glanced around, she saw nothing but the trees that surrounded her house. Shrugging it off as her imagination, she went into the house and shut the door behind her. Little did she know, someone was watching her and were waiting for the right moment to approach her. 

Bella made Charlie his dinner, had the usual 'how was work? how was school?' conversation before running up the stairs and heading into her bedroom which had changed a lot since Edward left. Instead of it being dull and purple, it was now bright, fun, funky and totally fit her personality. 

She placed her school bag next to her bedroom door and went over to her desk and started doodling not realising she was drawing more symbols

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She placed her school bag next to her bedroom door and went over to her desk and started doodling not realising she was drawing more symbols...

The next morning, Bella awoke to the sound of her alarm clock and she groaned. Sitting up, she realised she was in her bed but she didn't know how she got there. The last thing she remembers was sitting at her desk drawing. With that thought in mind, she turned off her alarm and jumped out of bed rushing to her desk to see pages and pages of the same symbol she drew in Biology. What the hell is happening to me? She thought as she backed away. This isn't right! 

Deciding that maybe she can't ignore this anymore, she would have to ask James for his help even though she really didn't want to. Admitting she needed help wasn't something Bella liked doing, she believed she can do everything on her own; but times like this calls for desperate measures. 

Running to her bathroom, she quickly showered, dried herself, did her makeup light and natural and straightened her hair before heading to her closet and chose her outfit for the day. (Pic attached). She then ran downstairs, grabbed an apple and rushed to her car and climbed in. She arrived at school in record time and quickly parked her car next to Tyler's van. 

Angela approached her with a smile on her face. "Hey, Bella. Love the outfit"

"Thanks" Bella looked around trying to spot James. She couldn't see him anywhere, where is he? I

Angela noticed her looking around and huffed. "If you're looking for Jess behave. We don't need any drama today"

"Huh?" Bella looked at Angela. "Oh, I'm not looking for her, that bitch isn't worth my time. I'm actually looking for James. Have you seen him?"

"James?" Angela looked surprised before she grinned. "Oh yeah, he went into school five minutes ago. Why?"

"I just need to er..." Bella couldn't tell Angela about the symbols as she would think Bella was insane. "Give him the notes from Biology, he needs them to catch up" Angela didn't look convinced. "Look, I'll meet you at break. Okay?"

She didn't give Angela the time to reply before she rushed into school ignoring the strange looks she was getting from other students. She knew why students were staring at her, Bella was never seen inside the school before the bell rang but this was technically an emergency. She needed to know what was happening to her and James said he could help. 

I hope he can help me and he's not just saying it to get into my pants. Bella thought as she ran down the hallway that was filled with lockers. She spotted him looking into a locker and practically ran up to him. 

"James!" Bella said as she stood next to him. 

James, not expecting her, jumped and banged his head against the locker door. "Jesus Christ"

"Nope, just Bella" She grinned and noticed him rubbing his head. "Ouch, are you okay?"

"I'll be fine" He closed his locker door and leant against it smirking. 

"You might get a slight bump and some headaches but as long as you take painkillers you'll be fine" James raised his eyebrow and Bella shrugged. "I've banged my head against the locker more times than I can count...but that's not why I'm here"

"I figured. What can I do for you, Bella?" James knew he wouldn't get any bump or a headache but he had to play along to keep his human act up.

Bella grew nervous. "It's about yesterday-"

"What about it?"

"You said you could help that true?" 

James groaned slightly and started walking away not wanting to have this conversation. He decided last night that he should stay away from the brown haired beauty but she was proving it very hard. He could hear her footsteps rush to keep up with him and he knew she wouldn't leave until she got an answer. "I can...but I won't"

She froze. "Why not?" James started walking away but she grabbed his arm causing him to stop as well. "Hey, why not?"

"There are some things in life that you have to figure out on your own, Miss Swan"

"Yesterday you were all up for it!" Bella protested. "I really need help! I don't know what they mean"

"Then google it"

She rolled her eyes. "Already have, came up with nothing"

"Too bad" He started walking away but she stopped him. "You should really stay away from me. I'm dangerous"

"Well, they alway say I'm a danger magnet" Bella joked. "Besides, you approached me yesterday so if you didn't want me coming up to you and asking, then maybe you should have kept your mouth shut" She scoffed and the bell rang. "I was right about you"

"How so?" James asked generally confused. 

"You're just a jock who only thinks about himself" She snapped. "Thanks for nothing, Nolan"

With that, Bella let go of James's arm and walked to class leaving a stunned James standing in the corridor. 

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