Chapter Fourteen

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How cute is that song tho :) 


Both Bella and James landed on the hard, wet, cold, ground with a thud. When I say both Bella and James, I meant James landed on the ground and Bella landed on top of him so her landing was a lot smoother. They stayed in that position for a few minutes just catching their breath as the portal closed but soon enough, Bella blushed and quickly stood up. 

"Sorry" She held out her hand for him to take. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

"It's quite alright Love" He takes her hand and pulls himself up and started brushing the dirt off his clothes with the help from Bella. "Nope, you didn't. The ground hurt more"

Bella nodded and looked around her. They had landed in some forest somewhere and she slightly prayed they weren't back in Forks. She didn't want to start running from her father after the events that they had just been through. 

"Where are we?" She asked. 

"Somewhere in London, England" James shrugged. "It's the first place I thought of"

"Why aren't we in Forks?"

"That's the first place my father would come looking for us" He gently brushed some dirt off Bella's cheek making her blush once more. "Luckily for us, I happen to have a place around these parts that my father doesn't know about. We'll be safe there"

"Do you have a place everywhere?" Bella raised her eyebrows in confusion. 

"I like to travel" He shrugged and started walking through the forest with Bella following close behind. "Besides, this house isn't mine exactly. It belonged to some family who owed me a favour and said I could use the house anytime I liked"

"Who was this family?" Bella asked. 

"I don't know, they didn't stick around long enough for me to find out. They were really strange and sorta creepy looking?" He chuckled. "And that's coming from the Prince Of The Underworld"

"Creepy looking?"

James gently took Bella's hand and helped her over a fallen tree before climbing over it himself. "Yeah creepy looking. They were really pale...and cold" He shivered. "Trust me, you do not want to meet them"

Pale looking and cold? No, it couldn't be..., right? Bella thought. "And what if they are there?"

James grinned. "They won't be. They move around a lot. Now, come one we want to get there before nightfall"

They walked for a few hours talking about anything and everything and soon enough, the sun that was so high up in the sky when they arrived, was now setting casting a soft yellow glow around them. Animals that came out at night were heard and the sound was relaxing making Bella suddenly realise how tired she actually was. She couldn't remember the last time she slept properly (Me right's currently 5:00 am here and I haven't slept...woo...) and soon enough, her footsteps faltered and she started slowing down. 

James noticed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder to support her. "You alright love?"

"Yeah just tired." She yawned. "Are we nearly there?"

"Yep. We are" They stopped. "Look"

The house looked like one with the forest. It wasn't too big and it wasn't too small and it had the homey effect to it. Wood and bricks made up the house and Bella noticed a lake around the back and the sound of soft flowing water which could only be described as waterfall. Bella gasped at the sight, it was truly stunning. 

"It's beautiful" She gasped

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"It's beautiful" She gasped. 

"Aye that it is" He picked her up in his arms again and she squealed. "Now, come on. You can have a tour later but right now, you need to sleep"

Bella didn't even protest as he carried her through the wooden door and down a softly lit hallway to the bedroom. The bedroom was medium sized with wooden walls and a wooden ceiling, a wooden double bed was placed in the middle of the room with two beside tables at either side with lamps on creating the soft glow. A wardrobe was placed at the right side of the bed and a small glass table with a vase of white flowers sat at the front. James gently set Bella down on the bed and covered her with the sheets. 

"Sleep well my love. We'll talk tomorrow" He kissed her head and left the room. 

Sorry it's not good, it's a filler chapter XD

How are you all? 

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