Chapter Twenty

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Guys this story is 72 in adventure! Ahh! Keep reading to make it go higher! 

Sorry for any James and Bella fans for this chapter...I did say it wasn't going to be easy for them. 


Bella's POV: (Don't worry, I'll do a James POV soon)

Crap. Oh, crappy crap crap. This was our pre-coronation ball? I was to be Queen? I'm going to rule along side James in whatever this place is? No! That can't be! We haven't been together long and we still had a long way to go and many things to talk about. Me becoming Queen is not going to happen! Like ever!

James, sensing my discomfort, raised his eyebrow and pulled me close to his chest. "Are you alright love?"

"We need to talk" I looked around seeing many eyes on us adding to my discomfort. "Privately"

"I found when a woman says that, I'm rarely in for a pleasant conversation" James jokes but after seeing my expression, he sighed. "Alright, follow me. We can't be too long otherwise people would notice we're missing"

We won't be long...I'll be out of here soon enough and forget any of this actually happened, I thought as James leads me out of the ballroom and down some dimly lit hallways without saying anything to me. I could tell that he knew something was wrong with me as he kept glancing back at me with confused eyes but I sent him what I hoped to be a reassuring smile. Poor James...he doesn't know that I'm about to break his heart but I have no choice. 

We walked for five minutes before he suddenly stopped and faced me. "I can't take it no more, we're alone so what's up? And don't even think about lying to me"

I took a deep breath. "I can't do this"

"Do what?"

"This!" I pointed around me. "Be down here, be forced to do something against my will like becoming Queen!"

"You're being forced to become Queen?" He asked. 

I sighed. "Well, you don't see me jumping for joy screaming 'I'm going to be Queen!' now, do you?" I run my fingers through my hair probably messing it up but I don't care. "I'm not Queen material"

James took my hands in his. "Bella I know it's a shock, heck it was a shock for me too, but we can make this work! My parents-"

"Your parents wanted me dead the last time we met James! Why would they possibly want me to be Queen?" I interrupted him

His face hardened. "I can't tell you. That's up to them"

"Well, they're not going to tell me" I turned away from him. "Because I'm not doing this. We haven't been together long, we've had sex without even knowing how it got to that stage, I turned the Cullen's into bugs, my father has a search party out for me and now I'm being told I'm going to be Queen of this damn place! It's too much for me to handle!"

James grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around to face him. "What are you saying?" Tears were filling his eyes and I'm pretty sure they were filling mine too. 

"I'm saying all this is too much responsibility! I can't even turn on a washing machine never mind ruling a kingdom!" I panic. "I should be focusing on my finals, not this shit!"


I hold up my hands and back away. "No James. It's too much. I care for you deeply, I do but, you need to find someone else who can actually rule with you" My voice breaks. "We're over James, I'm leaving"

Without giving him a chance to answer, I turn away and walk back down the hallway my hand covering my mouth as I held back a sob. 

Short I know!

Don't kill me!

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