Chapter Twenty- Three

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Quick question for you guys before you check out this chapter, if I write a Harry Potter fanfiction, would you guys read it? Let me know! 

This chapter will be in James's POV.

As always, comment below your thoughts and feelings, I love hearing from you guys!

Lotta love <3 


Two weeks before they saw one another. James's POV:

"Linda, please tell my brother to send me them sheets asap" I instruct my secretary through the phone on my desk as I write something down on the work sheets in front of me. 

Ever since Bella left, I've been thrown into training to become King to keep my mind off the fact of the person I loved leaving me. I've been learning how to control certain situations, how to trade with Heaven-yes we do that, we need some of their good stuff down here too-, how to make tough decisions like what to do for punishment and most off, how to keep the people of Underworld (except from those in the cells) happy.

But, even though I've been training none stop, I can't become King until I find a Queen. And that's proving harder than expected. No one matches up to her. 

"Yes, sir," Linda says and I cut the phone off wanting to work in silence. But, with my mother around that doesn't go to plan.

She slowly walks into my office and I pretend not to notice her as she does weird hand symbols with her hands and dances around my office clearly trying to get my attention. I sigh, place my pen down on the desk and fold my arms raising my eyebrows. 

"What can I do for you mother?" I ask.

She pauses mid dance with her hands raised in the air as she stands on one foot. "What...can't a mother just dance for her son?" I give her the 'are you serious look' and she sighs and stands normally. "I needed to speak to you"

"Well, it beats your horrid dancing" I joke. "What about?"

"We're going to court"

Silence fills the air I comprehend what she just told me. Going to court? Why? Who wants to sue us this week? I stand and walk around my desk, leaning against it and sigh. 


She then explains how a couple of months ago she signed a contract with some human to increase the cell space down here and the human (who agreed, anything to get out of his ten-year life contract with us) is now not doing what his part of the contract instructs and we want out. 

"Okay...I can see why you want out, but why do I have to come?"

She sighs and flops down onto the floor. Why do I have a weird mother? "Because you're going to be King..."

"There's something more to this. Spill"

She smirks. "Because our lawyer is a female..."


My mother has none stop is trying to set me up with many different females since Bella left. Every time she has failed but that hasn't stopped her. She just doesn't know when to stop. 

"James! Don't 'mother' me! You need a Queen and I don't see you rushing to find anyone!" She hisses. "You need to get over Bella!"

"I know" I mumble. 

"So you will go to this meeting with out lawyer and attempt to make an effort"

She then stands and leaves the room before I can say anything else about the matter. Sighing again, I press the button on my phone and wait for her to answer. 

"Yes, sir?" Linda asks.

"I need four bottles of Rum sent to my office immediately"

"Coming up"

God help me. 


Sorry it's short and lets be honest, crap. 

Also sorry for the long wait to update, I've fallen ill again. 


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