Chapter Three

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[Holy crap, she updated]

For those who are wondering what Jame's looks like, just imagine Colin O'Donoghue because that is who I had in mind when I thought of the character. Plus, I'm totally obsessed with him...those eyes though *dies* picture above in case you don't know who he is! 

Finding a picture of him was sooo hard because there's so many that I can choose from XD he's too good-looking for his own good! Like seriously, why isn't it illegal to be that good looking? My heart melts every time I see him! Ugh! The struggle is real guys, it's real.

Anyway, Enjoy!!!!!


Narrator POV:

"Don't worry about Jess Bella, she's just-" Angela started as she walked Bella to her double lesson of Biology. 

"A jealous cow who seriously needs to learn how to pluck her eyebrows" Bella cut off as she stared into space while she walked. Angela laughed at her comment making Bella snap her gaze onto her. "What? You know that's true"

"Yeah, I know. You know what she's like, just try and not let her get to you" 

"Oh I'm not letting her get to me" Angela shot her 'are you serious look' and Bella sighed. "Fine, maybe a little. She just pisses me off so much! She's been jealous of me from the moment I started this school!" She took a deep breath. "Remind me again why we are friends with her?"

Angela shrugged and they both came to a halt outside Bella's classroom and leant against the wall. "Because she's actually good company sometimes. Or the fact we feel sorry for her"

"I do not feel sorry for her. Whatever happens, she brings it on herself." Bella commented with a hiss. 

"Again, true" Angela smiled. 

Mr Branner, who was in the classroom setting up, heard their conversation and poked his outside slightly glaring at the two girls. "You had all the time to chat at lunch, not when lesson's starting"

Bella fought back the groan and faced him with a sweet smile. "So sorry sir, I'll be in a minute"

Mr Branner got flustered over Bella's smile which made Bella gag. With a nod, he quickly rushed back into his classroom and once they were sure he couldn't hear them, Angela and Bella burst out laughing. "Did you have to get him all flustered Bella?" Angela asked through laughter. 

"Hey, it's not my fault he get's turned on by teenage girls smiling at him. That dude has a problem" Bella choked out through her laughter before calming down. "You should go, your lesson is at the other end of school"

Angela calmed down and shrugged. "Meh, it doesn't matter if I'm late. I know it all anyway. " Bella glares at her and Angela sighed. "Fine. I'm going." She turned to walk away only to freeze. "Hey, did they find someone to replace Cullen to sit next to you yet?"

"Nope and I don't care. I have the whole table to myself" Bella smiled. "I can make it as messy as I want without someone complaining"

"You're so lucky, girl. Anyway, see you later" Angela waved before she headed down the hallway like she owned the place. Bella had defiantly changed Angela in some ways, but the sweet, kind Angela was still in there. 

Bella walked into the classroom to see Mr Branner still recovering from earlier. Wanting to get him riled up again, she sent him a wink his way before heading to her seat. She knew getting Mr Branner all flustered and riled up could get her into loads of trouble but she couldn't find it in her to care. What's life without a little bit of fun? Bella quickly got all the stuff she would need for this lesson out of her bag and sat down on the cold chair making her flinch. Why in a school full of heating, kids sitting on them all the time, were the chairs cold? She thought with a frown. 

More students piled in and Bella took this time to doodle any random things that came to mind. She didn't notice what she was drawing until she put her pen down and looked at it. Confusion crossed her features as she whispered. "What the hell?"

 "What the hell?"

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She had never, once in her life, seen this symbol. Before she could think about it further, Mr Branner stood up and started talking making her close her notebook quickly wanting no one to notice. "Today we are starting a new topic so turn over to page 394 in your textbooks and answer the questions that are provided. No talking allowed"

Bella knew he was acting this way because of what she did earlier but she still turned to the right page and answered the questions about the human body. It was all very easy to her so she had it done in minutes. But, she couldn't just put her pen down and it would look a bit funny if she pulled out her notebook, so she just sat there leaning over her textbook pretending to write. The symbol in the back of her mind not letting her forget about it. It clung to her brain like a small child would cling to its mother. This only made her more confused and started to give her a slight headache. 

Fifteen minutes into the lesson, the door opened and in walked a smug James and a very annoyed looking headteacher. Bella rolled her eyes, getting into trouble already I see? Wait, why do I care? Wait...oh my God is he in this class?

"Sorry, he's later Mr Branner. We ran into some...complications" The headteacher, Mr Smith hissed out glaring at James who simply smirked and shrugged. Oh God, that smirk. Bella thought. 

"Oh it's quite alright" Mr Branner replied from his desk. "Everyone, this is James Nolan he's new here and I expect you to make him feel welcome" James waved. "If you would like to make your way to your seat next to Miss Swan, that'll be great"

Bella's eyebrows shot up. The hottest guy is sitting next to her! Fighting her blush, she raised her hand slightly so James knew who she was and he sauntered over to her and sat in the chair beside her. She could smell his cologne and groaned, he was defiantly trying to kill her. 

"Oh, and James" Mr Smith said just as he was about to leave. "No sunglasses indoors" He then left. 

Bella glanced at James to see him sighing and taking off his sunglasses revealing bright blue eyes, as bright as the sky, as calm as the ocean and groaned again. Yep, she was dead. 

Any guesses what the symbol means? No don't google it...I will find out. And yes, I know what it means XD 

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