Matching Tattoos

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I lazily pace around the house, bored out of my mind. Mark had decided to go over to a friends house to do a video with them, leaving me alone. My mind worked slowly, tiredness working its way in.

'Maybe I'll go out for a walk to the coffee shop,'  I thought as I gathered my wallet and slipped on some shoes. I made sure to shut and lock the door behind me and I set off.

The walk began to warm my limbs and cleared my cloudy head. My thoughts worked their ways towards Mark and how he has been acting towards me lately. He seemed to be distancing himself from me. His first words to me in the morning went from 'Good morning, baby girl,'  with a smile to 'Morning (Y/n).'   When I would be cooking breakfast, Mark used to wrap his arms tightly around my waist. Now he barely ever touches me. A heavy sadness fills my heart as I continue to walk towards the coffee shop.


After about ten more minutes of walking, I finally reached the small Starbucks. I grabbed at the door handles, the cool feel of the medal under my fingertips making me sigh. My eyes scan the people as I hurry to get a place in the longish line. Couples laughing with each other, other customers with their eyes locked onto a reading book, their coffee steaming in front of them.

A familiar laugh grabs my attention as it fills the air and I instantly know who it is. I feel guilty that I didn't notice Mark before. I spot his recognizable mop of hair and begin to walk over to him, almost leaving my spot in line. That's when I notice Mark is not alone, a girl sitting across from him.

She's pretty, very pretty. Her hourglass figure clearly shows due to her tight tank top, about an inch of her flat stomach showing. Her hair shines in the natural light streaming through the big window to the right of them. She rests her hand on top of his.

I feel your smile melt away, every ounce of happiness I once had is gone, unreachable. I no longer cared about my coffee or my spot in line, I just stood there and watched them. Mark says something to her and her figure shakes as if she is laughing. She is. Her happy giggles fill the silent air of the small coffee shop. Mark smiles and leans in, kissing her deeply.

I look away, I can't handle it. I suddenly feel jealous of all the happy couples surrounding me. I can feel my heart shatter, the sharp pieces lay at my feet and decorate the floor. I slowly back out of the shop. As soon as I'm out, I run as fast as I can.

I run away from the shop, from the man that once was my boyfriend and the girl that managed to steal his heart away from me. I just run. Tears sting my eyes and sobs threaten to escape my throat. 

So that's why Mark isn't Mark anymore. He doesn't love me anymore. Another girl makes him happy, he pushed me to the side, no longer having a special place in his heart.

I slowed, a sudden feeling of determination filling me. I'll make him pay, oh I'll make him pay.


I sit on the couch, running over the final details of my last minute plan. I've fixed my messy hair and runny makeup so Mark wouldn't pick up on the fact that I've been crying. After what seemed like hours, Mark finally walks through the front door.

"Hey baby," I say, resisting the urge to cringe. He no longer deserved that name from me or anyone else for that matter.

"Hey," he answers, his chocolate colored eyes glued to his phone screen, his thumbs tapping away at a text message as he sits down across from me. I want to rip his phone from his hands and throw it against the wall. Instead, I walk behind him and wrap my arms around his neck, resting my head against his shoulder. Mark tenses under you and locks his phone, tossing it beside him.  

"So," I start, "I was thinking about something. We should go get matching tattoos."

"What?" Marks eyes snap up to mine, "You're kidding, right?"

"Oh, come on babe. It wouldn't be anything big, just each others name on our ankles or something." I resist the growing urge to smirk, my master plan now beginning.

Mark looks torn between my offer and the other women. After a couple more minutes of convincing, Mark finally agreed. We both jump into Marks car and heads towards the closest tattoo parlor.

Mark pulls into a parking spot near the double glass doors. He unbuckles himself and walks right into to parlor, not even bothering to wait for me. I scoff and walk into the shop. I see Mark making small talk with a tattoo artist as I walk up to them.

"So, I heard you guys wanted a tattoo right?" the artist started. Mark and I nodded. "What would you guys want?"

Mark opens his mouth to speak but I interrupt him, "We thought we would get each other's name on our wrists. Could we do that?"

"Yeah, that would be no problem." The artist walks you guys to over to the counter to organize the tattoos. Mark fiddles with the edge of his shirt and shoots me a fake smile. I don't bother to return it.

"So, who would like to go first, or would you guys rather go at the same time?" the tattoo artist questioned.

I shoot Mark your best puppy eyes, "Could you go first? I do have that fear of needles after all."

"Sure," he says as he takes a seat in the chair and offers the tattoo artist his wrist. The machine roars to life, making a menacing sound as the set of needles begin to move. I smirk.

I sit with Mark until about half my name is inked onto Marks' wrist before I get up.

"Where are you going?" Mark questions, worried.

"I'm just going to the bathroom." The artist tells me where the bathroom is located, though I don't care. I give Mark one last smile before I leave.

I walk towards the exit of the tattoo parlor and go through the door. I smile and laugh to myself. In a few minutes my name will be permanently inked on Marks' wrist, leaving him with a forever piece of me.

The wonderful feeling of revenge warms my heart and widens my smile. I wonder how long it will take him to figure out I won't be coming back. Ever.

I wonder how long it will take for him to figure out that he had just been played.

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