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You see, (Y/n) had this thing about love. She didn't believe in it. She didn't think it was real.

"Love will fuck you up more than drugs ever will." This is something she always said. Mark just couldn't understand how she thought like that. How she could think so negatively.

Whenever a couple would hold hands or kiss in public, (Y/n) would scrunch up her nose in disgust. "Go do that somewhere else, that's disgusting and nobody wants to see that," she would say in their direction. Though, she never said it loud enough for the couple to hear her, only loud enough for Mark.

Mark would always try to convince her love was real. She would just shake her head at him, "Love is just another four letter word for lust. No love ever lasts, it will always parish."

(Y/n) would always try to convince Mark love was a fake emotion. She would always tell him situations where love would fail the couple. He would just shake his head at her, "A person that truly loves you will never let go, no matter how hard the situation is."

One day, Mark and (Y/n) were sitting on the couch in Mark's apartment, watching a TV show. A romantic scene came on with the man declaring his undying love for the girl. (Y/n) scoffed and reached for the remote to change the channel.

Mark was quicker though. He grabbed it before she could, preventing her from changing the channel from the cheesy scene playing before them. She crossed her arms over her chest and sank back into the couch, not happy about the show.

"Love is real," Mark whispered to her quietly.

"Oh really Mark, is it? How do you know what love is? Do you love someone?" she asked mark angrily. He just looked at her and nodded. "Then tell me! Tell me about the girl you love!"

"She has the most beautiful eyes, they make me want to look into them all day, I just want to get lost in them. Her hair looks so soft and I just want to run my hands through it all day. She's so gorgeous too, but she doesn't think so. I want to tell I love her but I can't. I want to tell her that I want to wake up next to her every morning. I want to tell her everything I love about her. I want her to know she is the woman of my dreams, the woman I want to marry."

Mark looks so in awe as he talks about the girl he loves and (Y/n) scoffs at him. "Then tell her! Call her right now and tell her that you love her!"

Mark looks over at (Y/n) and he can feel his heartbeat quicken in his chest. "Right now?"

(Y/n) groans with impatience, "Yes! Right now!"

Mark just shakes his head and sighs but pulls his phone out of his pocket anyway. He dials in the special girl's number and places his phone against his ear. (Y/n) waits for the girl to pick up when suddenly her phone that sits on the coffee table in front of them starts to ring. It shows Mark's contact, a picture of them displayed on the screen as it continues to ring.

(Y/n) looks at him with confusion and Mark just gestures to it, saying nothing. (Y/n) answers his call and places the phone against her ear. Mark looks her dead in the eyes as he says, "I love you, (Y/n).


This is actually true for me. I don't believe in love. I don't think it exists.

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