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The night is filled with soft coos from a nearby owl and the annoying buzz of nighttime bugs as Mark hands out candy to the passing children. "Well! Look at you, nearly scared me out of my pants!" Mark told the child as he dumps a generous handful of candy into a child's pumpkin-shaped bucket. 

The child gives Mark a pitched "Thank you!" and runs across the lawn to the next house. Mark sighed and closed the door as I finished getting our snacks ready. Mark flicks off the outside light, letting the children that we are no longer passing out candy. 

"You're so good with children," I say as Mark snuggles into my side. 

"I guess it's only natural." He buries his face into my neck and gently kisses my neck. I roll my eyes at him and push him away with a firm hand on his chest.

"Just start the movie already," I laugh at him. I snuggle into his chest and Mark places his arm around my waist tightly. He pecks the top of my head and I lean up to kiss his jaw. The beginning of the new horror movies plays and we both focus on it. 


I wake up in a cold room, sleepiness clouding my vision. The chilly air wraps around me and I shiver. There is an uncomfortable weight on my head. I try to bring my hand up to feel what it is but when I try to move a searing pain runs through my body like a jolt of electricity. 

"Mark!" I can barely call out, the metal device wedging my mouth slightly open. "Mark, please!"

"(Y/n)? Where are you?" he calls out.

Before I can answer an altered voice speaks to us, "I want to play a game."

I freeze and pure terror chills my heart. No, it can't be. Jigsaw is dead. He's been dead for over 10 years. Why am I here? Why is Mark here? I feel tears creep into my eyes and the weight of the trap on my head scares me even more. I didn't do anything to warrant me being here. 

Lights flicker on and I quickly take in my surrounding. I'm sitting in a chair with my arms and legs literally screwed into a metal chair. I can't move without ripping the screws out of the bone of my limbs. Dollars bills are stapled to my body with random numbers and letters plastered all over them. A lock dangles in front of my eyes. It taunts me. 

"Mark?" I quickly glance around for him and nearly scream when I finally find him. He stands shirtless with five screws sticking out of his back, long wires leading up to the ceiling. Blood drips down his muscular back and onto the floor, forming a small puddle underneath him. Something large and heavy looking is wrapped around his chest. "Mark, my God, please tell me you're okay."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay baby?" I shake my head at him, but I'm not even sure if he can see me. 

Jigsaws voice rings out again, "You may be wondering why you both are here. You, Markiplier, may help millions but you can no help yourself from crushing under human needs. You, as Mark Fischbach, have sinned. You have decided to perform acts on someone other than your girlfriend, you were unfaithful to her for a night."

I throw an angry gaze at Mark, "You what?! You fucking slept with another girl and didn't fucking tell me? Are you fucking kidding me?" It might not be the best time to yell at him but I can't help the hot anger that builds inside of me. I never thought Mark would cheat. I want to punch him in the face. 

Mark can't look at me, "I didn't mean to. I was stressed and you weren't ever home. I went out to a bar and picked up a girl. I'm not going to lie, I did sleep with her but that doesn't mean I don't feel guilty about. I still wasn't ever going to tell you. I just couldn't, I didn't know how you were going to react."

"You fucking disgust me, Mark," I tell him, disgust dripping from my voice. 

I know I should just let it go for the moment being but I can't. Maybe it's my fear working its way out of through anger. I'm afraid. I'm afraid for myself and Mark. I just want him to be okay. I want us to live. 

"You have also sinned, (Y/n) (L/n), you have taken money from your boyfriend to fix your own personal problems."

"You stole money from me?" Mark shouts at me and I flinch. 

"I only took 3 thousand dollars and it wasn't even for me! It was for my mother, she is in debt up to her neck! I had every intention of paying you back! I swear! I would never just steal money from you!"

Mark doesn't respond to me, he just hangs her head and sighs. 

"The unfaithful one has only a minute to touch all five electrical points that surround him and suffer a shock before the device crushes his lungs," Jigsaw's voice bounces off the walls mincingly, "He is the key to getting you out. If he chooses to leave you and save himself the trap on your head will force your head to implode. He gets to decide if your life is really worth 3 thousand dollars." 

I let out a scream and try to rip my hands off of the chair but the screws keep them in place. "Mark, I'm so sorry! Please, I forgive you for cheating on me, I don't care! I'm sorry I stole from you! I'm sorry for everything! Just please save me!" I cry to him. He doesn't answer me, he just keeps his head down. "Please! I love you, Mark, I love you so much!"

Mark remains silent. 

Jigsaws voice crackles through the old speaker, "Your minute starts now."

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