Hey Daddy!

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Hailey - Age 5

Hey, Daddy! It's Hailey! Can you come home soon? Mommy has been crying a lot lately and I do not know what to do. I wanna help Momma! I tried to give her a drawing of all of us and all she did was cry even more. Daddy, what do I do?


Hailey - Age 6

Daddy! Daddy! Mommy gave me really pretty dolly today! I can brush her hair and everything!

Mommy and I came to visit you today but I think Mommy got lost. She said it was you, but you didn't say anything to us. I asked Mommy why we were here and she said to say goodbye. I didn't understand so I just smiled and waved to the rock.

That's when Mom started crying again. I frowned and tried to wipe her tears. Mommy just shook her head at me and pulled me to her chest, crying some more.

Daddy, when will you come home?


Hailey - Age 7

Hey, Dad. I know why you never come home anymore or why Mom and I visiting that rock last year. It wasn't a rock. It was your gravestone.

Mom hasn't told me how you died yet, but I like to think it was saving someone. I don't know, that just seems more like you from what I can remember and from what Mom has told me about you.

Can you see me? From up there? I try to be good for you, I really do! But sometimes it's just so hard.

I miss you. Mom does too. Last night I caught her sleeping with a framed picture of you. It was you and Mom sitting on the beach with the sun setting behind you, the colors brilliant and bright. It's her favorite photo of you if you can remember. That and your guy's wedding picture.

I know you can't come home, but we really need you down here.


Hailey - Age 10

Today was my birthday. Mom gave me something really special. She gave me your wedding ring on a chain. I'm wearing it right now, I don't think I'll ever take it off. Mom still wears hers on her finger.

Mom still talks to you. Last night during dinner she asked you to pass her the salt. She looked up really slowly to your old spot at the table and started sobbing. It's like she forgot you were gone.

One time, I caught her talking to you as she made dinner for us. Mom would look up and talk to the ceiling then wait for a second or two. She waited then nod like she actually thought you were talking to her.

Maybe, just maybe, you were answering her.


Hailey - Age 15

Daddy? I have a question. Why are boys so stupid?

My "boyfriend" said he would always care for me then about a week later he called it off between us. It was my first heartbreak.

I want you here. I want you to yell at me for being too young to have a boyfriend. I want you to threaten him, telling him that if he hurts me you'll kill him. I want you to be here Dad, but you're not, and I don't know how to deal with it anymore.


Hailey - Age 16

Happy Birthday, Dad! Today you're 46 years old! You old man!

Mom and I visited your grave today. I placed a new video game that just came out on top of the cold stone. I know it was something you wouldn't stop talking about if you were still alive. I wanted to play it with you, but, you know.

Mom set down Chica's collar. She passed about three weeks before. We had to put her down. I'll miss her, just like I miss you.

Mom started sobbing so I walked back to the car and waited for her there. I felt like she needed some time alone with you. I could see her talk to you. Mom held a very long conversation with you. Were you listening?

When she was done, she got up and kissed you.

Mom still hasn't moved on, even though it's been years. She still wears her ring. I tried to get her to get back into the dating game, but she refused. She said you were her soulmate and nobody else could ever replace you.

Mom's right. No one will ever replace you, Dad.


Hailey - Age 26

Hey Daddy.

God, I don't even know why I'm doing this, I haven't written to you since I was 16.

A lot has happened since my last letter. Well, first of all, I'm now married to the man of my dreams. You couldn't walk me down the aisle, so I had one of my best friends do it in your place.

I, um, am pregnant with my first child. Blake and I thought we would name it after you. Mark Edward. I hope you can see him. Will you watch over him?

Lastly, Mom has passed. I'm sure you know that. Is she sitting up there next to you? Looking down and watching me?

I went looking through your old YouTube channel. I don't think I've ever cried and laughed so much in one night. You're so funny. You made the best Dad.

I miss you guys so much.

Thank you. Thank you for everything. I love you, Daddy.


I actually had to step away from this. I just couldn't stop crying.

This imagine hits home with me, not because I've lost my dad, but because I'm forced to grow up without one. My Father wanted nothing to do with me. I don't even know his name and he sure as hell doesn't remember mine.

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