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Mark and I have been doing this cute little thing since the first month we have been together. Three years later and it has become a little tradition.

Every two weeks or so, we get each other a small gift and then try to top the other. Last week, I got Mark a new video game he has been talking about since forever. It cost me a good chunk of my paycheck but it was worth it for his reaction.

Mark had thanked me repeatedly as he discovered what was hidden underneath the colorful wrapping paper. He wrapped me in his arms and picked me up off the ground, spinning us in a tight circle as he placed small kisses all over my face.

I get high off of seeing him happy.

"Hey, Mark?" I say as I walk into his recording room, "I'm going to the store for tonight's dinner. I'll be back in about an hour."

Mark hums a response back as he continues to edit a video. I lean down to peck his lips. I pull back and he looks me deep in the eyes. Marks large hand meets the back of my head and pulls me back down, kissing me slowly. His warm tongue flicks across my bottom lip.

I pull back with a teasing smile plastered on my face. Marks deep chuckle fills the room.

"Be careful, okay? I love you," Mark says as he tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"I will. I love you more," I say as I walk out of the room with a large smile on my face. I gather my keys and purse and head to my car. I pull out of the of the driveway and let my thoughts overtake me.

I smile as I think of Mark. My heart warms as I think about his 'I love you' to me. He always makes an effort to say 'I love you', not just 'Love you'. There is a difference to me and he knows it.

The way Mark always looks at me with so much love it's amazing.

I frown to myself as I realize I'm at a green light and the cars behind me are laying on their horns. I wave my hand in apology and press on the gas. I concentrate on the road ahead of me as I continue to make my way to the store.

I finally make it to the store. I am currently grabbing ingredients for some fancy dish I saw on Instagram. It looked really good and all I hope is Mark likes it. I love cooking for him, just watching his face light up as he takes a bite is always worth it.

I manage to scrounge up everything I need and make my way to the check-outs. I sigh when I see how long the lines are. I just want to get home, make dinner, and spend the rest of the night cuddled into Mark's side as we lay in bed together.

After I deal with the hassle of the checkout lines and slow traffic, I pull into the driveway. I struggle to open the front of the door with my arms full of plastic bags, refusing to make two trips.

My eyes catch something sitting on the dining room table. I slowly walk up to it as I set the heavy bags on the ground.

It's a small box wrapped with a silver wrapping paper, a shiny red bow sitting on the top. Sweet-smelling rose petals are scattered around the box. My finger grazes over one, sighing at the feeling of the smooth surface.

I look around for Mark but I don't see him anywhere. The curiosity of what is in the box finally takes over and I rip the bow from the small package. I slide my finger under the fold on the side, popping the tape from the silver paper.

I undress the box and open the top of it to find a small piece of paper inside. A small curious smile makes its way onto my face as I begin to unfold the creme-colored paper.

'Turn around'

Slowly, I spin on my feet and behind me is Mark standing in a crisp looking tux. He walks up to me and grabs my hands.

"(Y/n)," Mark begins, "You have been with me through thick and thin. You comforted me when Daniel died. You forgive me when we fight, even when I am a huge dick to you. You never complained when I had to spend more time recording than spending time with you some days. You take days off of work when I'm sick in bed and risk your health to cuddle with me.

"I want to see your face when I wake up in the morning. I want to fall asleep with your head on my chest every night. I want to lace my hand with yours as we walk down the street. I want to have children with you and grow old. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

My hands fly to my mouth as I watch Mark get down on one knee, opening a small black box revealing a bright diamond ring.

The tears that found their way into my eyes during his heart-warming speech spill over, making my vision cloudy.

Mark looks at me, deeply in love, as he eagerly awaits my answer.

"Yes, Mark, yes!" I shout as he stands up and grabs my hand, placing the diamond ring on my ring finger.

I wrap my arms behind his neck, pulling him down towards me. I kiss Mark deeply, knowing I'm going to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams.

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