The Night We Met

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I am not the only traveler

Who has not repaid his debt


She left me. She left me all alone. She didn't care about what happened after she did it. She didn't think about how I would feel afterward.


I've been searching for a trail to follow again

Take me back to the night the night we met


I can't focus on anything anymore, I can't care about anyone. All I can think about is her. Her perfect lips, her amazing laugh, and her smile, the way she used to look at me with so much happiness I could cry. She won't ever look at me like that ever again.


And then I can tell myself

What the hell am I supposed to do


What am I supposed to do? I can't function without her. She was my joy and happiness. She could turn my day around with just a smile of hers. She won't ever smile at me like that again.


And then I can tell myself

Not to ride along with you


I should have never asked her for her number that day. I wouldn't have cared, I wouldn't have gotten attached to her. I wouldn't have loved her. She won't ever be able to tell me that she loves me ever again.


I had all and then most of you

Some and now none of you

Take me back to the night we met


Why did she do it? Did I not love her hard enough, did I not tell her enough? Would she still be here if I told her I loved her more, that I found her to be the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on? I could always tell her I loved her now, but she would never really hear it ever again.


I don't know what I'm supposed to do

Haunted by the ghost of you

Oh, take me back to the night we met


I won't ever be able to forget that night, it's ingrained forever into my mind. I can feel her warm, slick blood under my shoes and wetting my skin. No matter how hard I scrubbed in the shower, I still felt it. I could still hear her last words forever echo in my ears. I would never be able to forget them. I remember how I felt when I pressed my head against her chest and heard nothing. I would never be able to feel her heartbeat ever again.


When the night was full of terrors

And your eyes were filled with tears


I remember walking into our bedroom and seeing her lying there, unmoving. The once white sheets under her were stained a dark red from her blood. I ran over to her and cried into her cold body, trying to will her back to me. I heard a croak come from her throat and I snapped my head up to look at her. I tried to kiss her once last time but she pushed me away. "I will always love you," she said as tears filled her eyes and she took her final breath. I would never hear her voice ever again.


When you had not touched me yet

Oh, take me back to the night we met


I could still feel the hand I was holding go limp as she died in my arms. I tried to force her fingers to tightened back around mine again. They wouldn't. I could feel her hand start to go cold in my hand, but I couldn't stop. I was sobbing uncontrollably and I threw her hand down back onto the bed, screaming to the heavens above to bring her back to me. I would never be able to hold her hand ever again.


I had all and then most of you

Some and now none of you

Take me back to the night we met


I couldn't stop shaking as the police came along with the paramedics. The officers asked me questions, but I couldn't answer. I could only keep my eyes trained onto her dead body as she was placed into the ambulance. Nobody was rushing. I wanted' them to rush. I wanted to scream at them that she was still alive and she should be standing next to me right now. I would never see her again.


I don't know what I'm supposed to do

Haunted by the ghost of you

Take me back to the night we met


I stand in front of (Y/n)'s grave as I remember that night she was ripped away from me, tears slipping down my face. I take a shaky breath and reach into my pocket to pull out the small black box. I kneel down on one knee in front of her.

"(Y/n), would you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" My voice cracked and I gently placed the box down onto the grass in front of her gravestone, knowing I would never receive an answer from her.

I bury my head in my hands and let out a strangled cry. I lift my head up and gaze longingly at her headstone. If only I purposed a day sooner, she would still be here with me. I would still be able to tell her that I love her, I would be able to hold her close to me as I feel asleep, I would have a chance of having a family.

I know I will never know why she did it. I sigh and begin to pick a small hole into the ground. Once the hole is about two inches deep and I pluck the ring from the box and place it inside the hole. I cover it with a thin layer of dirt and bring myself to my feet.

She will never know how much I love her. She will never be able to hold the small child that was growing in her stomach she didn't know about. I will never be able to hold my wife ever again. I will never be able to meet my child.

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