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My hips wiggle as I stir the thick vanilla cake batter. I hear Mark's loud, heavy footfalls as he races down the stairs.

"Babe, slow down! You're going to slip and fall again!" I shout at him.

Yesterday, Mark was carrying the remains of his lunch in his hands, rushing down the stairs like always. I looked over at him to tell him to slow down just in time to see Mark completely fall down the last six stairs with a heavy thump. I rushed over to find Mark laying in a ball, groaning loudly, food surrounding him.

Chica came over inspect him. She decided that he was fine and took it upon herself to eat his fallen lunch. After, Mark continuously tried to convince me that the carpeted stairs were slippery.

Mark enters the kitchen and wraps his strong arms around my moving waist, chuckling in my ear. "Shut up. I didn't fall, I just wanted to give the stairs a hug."

"With your face?" I question, turning to face him.

"Yup." He leans in and gives my lips a tender kiss, love and passion exploding behind it. Mark's soft lips start to overlap mine and his grips on my waist gets tighter. I put my hand on his hard chest and gently push him away, a teasing smile playing on the edge of my lips. He groans and I wink at him.

Marks leans in close once more and whispers into my neck, "You know, you should keep shaking your hips, baby girl."

I gasp at him, "Mark Edward!" I dip my index finger into the mixed batter and flick it, sending batter splattering across his sculpted face.

"Oh, so that's how you wanna play, huh?" Mark grabs me and throws me over his shoulder with ease. He laughs as he runs into the living room and I yell for him to put me down, playfully hitting his muscular back.

Mark starts to spin in tight circles until he's dizzy. He slows but can't seem to properly get his feet under him. Mark trips and he falls backward with me still on his shoulder.

I feel sharp pain over my right eyebrow as gravity pulls us down and we meet the ground. I groan as I get off Mark. He's busting a gut, his laughs filling the room, and he turns to look over at me. He suddenly stops laughing and his eyes fill with concern.

"Oh my god, baby, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you up!" Mark scrambles to his feet and pulls me to mine.

I look at him confused and he points to my eyebrow. I bring my fingers up to feel something warm and wet dripping down my face. I look at my fingers to see them come back red. Blood.

Mark quickly grabs my hand and pulls me into the bathroom, ordering me to sit down on the edge of the tub. He rummages through the medicine cabinet above the sink, quietly cursing to himself until he pulls out band-aids and first aid cream.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you. God, I'm such an idiot. I just had to trip and fall, didn't I? I'm so sor-" I cut Mark off.

"Mark, baby, I know it wasn't on purpose. It's okay, it's just a little cut. I'll be fine." Mark just nods and continues to bandage my cut. He doesn't look at me when he finishes, he just turns to leave. I can't believe he's really beating himself up this much. I grab his hand as he is just about to step out of the bathroom.

"Mark, stop. I'm fine. It's okay. You're acting like I'm lying dead at your feet. I know it was on accident, you were just having fun," I try to convince him.

"I'm still sorry," he says as a smile cracks across his face as he leaned down to peck my lips. "You know, the cake batter is still sitting on the kitchen counter." His signature smirk covers his face as he turns to run to the kitchen.

"Mark Fischbach! Don't you dare!" I yell as I run after him, laughing.


Okay, so I'm not even going to lie, the stair falling thing actually happened to me. I don't know how I managed to slip and fall, but I did. Like an Idiot. XD

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