I Hate You

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I hate Mark Fischbach. Mark Fischbach hates me. 

You see, Mark was the school's star quarterback. He was also dating the most popular girl in school, Vanessa. I won't lie, Vanessa is drop dead gorgeous but she likes to shove people underneath her. Well, mainly just me, I have always been her target. I've never understood why.

Mark and I used to be best friends back in second grade up until about the start of middle school. I don't know what happened but he took interest in sports and quickly became the most popular boy in school. He forgot about me for a couple years until we entered high school. Mark then shoved all of our years of friendship out the window and made sure I knew that I was a worthless piece of shit that would always be underneath him.

I hate him. I always thought he would be the person I would marry but he decided to be the person that made me question my self-worth and how many people actually cared about me. 

I'm ripped out of my thoughts when a well-manicured hand slams my locker door shut. I just barely get my fingers out of the frame before it closes. I look up at the person who decided to scare the living shit out of me. Speak of the devil, it's Vanessa. I raise an eyebrow at her. 

"Aw man, why did you move your hand? I was really looking forward to seeing you scream and cry like you do with everything else," she whines. Vanessa stops and lifts a sincere smile, flipping her perfect blonde hair over her shoulder. 

"Really? You think I would scream and cry? At least I didn't throw a fit in my driveway when my parents didn't get my Lamborghini in the exact color I wanted," I say referring to her fit that went viral on YouTube. 

Anger quickly flashes in her eyes and she pouts to Mark who stands only a few feet behind her. Mark flicks his eyes towards me then looks back to Vanessa. He smiles wickedly and makes a hidden gesture with his hands to her. She whips to face me, quickly reaching her hand out and snatches my glasses off of my face. I can hardly see her as she looks at them for a minute before throwing them on the ground and grinding them beneath her heel. 

Mark and Vanessa laugh loudly, catching the attention of other students passing by. I kneel down and try to feel around for my now broken glasses. I take a sharp inhale when something heavy lands on my hand. I look up to see Mark's blurry figure standing over me. He stomps on my hand the same way Vanessa did with my glasses. I wince and tears work their way into my eyes. 

Mark lifts his heavy foot off of me and laces his hand with Vanessa's. Mark pulls her into a heavy kiss and, though I'm nearly blind, I can see his tongue invade her mouth. 

My heart shakes as I fight my tears off and stand up, leaving my glasses on the ground. I look at them for a minute. They finally pull away from each other, a string of saliva connecting them together. 

"Later nerd," Mark says as he slams his hand into my books, scattering them everywhere as they walk away. 

I kneel once again to gather my fallen books when a warm hand meets my crushed one. I look up to see a tall guy holding a couple of my books. "Hey, um, I'm Thomas, and I saw what happened. I just want to say I'm sorry, you don't deserve that."

Thomas. Thomas fucking Miller was talking to me. 

Thomas is a linebacker on the football team and was the star basketball player. He's tall. Like six foot six tall.  He's also really good looking and he's currently crouched in front of me telling me he's sorry for something he didn't do. 

Thomas stands and offers me his hand. I accept it and he nearly rips me out of my shoes as he tries to pull me up. I stumble and fall into his chest. I laugh too loudly and straighten myself out, my face burning. 

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