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I hear the front door open and close as a girl's laugh ripples through the quiet air. He did it again. He promised he wouldn't but he did anyway. He brought another fucking girl home again. 

I jolt up when I hear a soft tapping on my door. Mark, my roommate, opens the door and peeks his head in. "Hey, can you maybe stay in here for the rest of the night? I've got a girl over and I hope to get lucky tonight. Please?" His deep voice rings in my ears and I shudder. I nod at him and whisper a soft goodnight. He doesn't say anything, he just closes the door. 

Goodnight. He didn't even say goodnight. 

I toss and turn, unable to let sleep overtake me. My mind won't stop spinning, I can't stop thinking about Mark. 

 Suddenly, I hear soft moans escape from Mark's room, slip under the creak of my door and invade my very being. I feel like a thousand hot knives are stabbing my heart. A thumping headboard makes me cover my ears with my pillow and bury my face into my cold sheets. 

Its when the girl calls out a loud 'Daddy' is when I throw myself off my bed and start to gather my things. I can feel the pieces of my shattered heart clinking around in my chest. I shuffle things around until I find a dusty duffle bag and start throwing a week's worth of clothes into it. 

I can't stay here any longer, I just can't. 

I throw the bag over my shoulder and walk out of my room. I wait a second for silence but only loud moans and groans greet me. I grip my cold doorknob and slam my bedroom door shut. The loud boom echoes through the house and silences them immediately and I smirk. 

I start to make my way through the darkness to the front door slowly. When I finally reach the cool door a light flicks on and an angry hand grabs my upper arm. I yank my arm out of whoever's grasp and turn around. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Mark stands in front of me in nothing but his boxers. Sweat covers his forehead while long, angry red scratches litter his chest. His face is turned into an ugly scowl. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt you? Were you just about to finish? Should I wait until you done to talk with you?" Thick sarcasm coats my voice and the tension between us is unbearable. 

"Whats your problem?" he shouts at me, "I told you I had a girl over and to stay in your fucking room. Clearly you can't follow directions very well."

Anger swells inside of me and I snap at him, "You bring home a different girl every night and I'm sick of it! You never talk to me anymore. We used to be best friends!"

He snorts, "Best friends? We were never best friends. I only ever saw you as someone else who helps pay rent. God, you're such a delusional bitch. No wonder you've never had a boyfriend since we started renting this place."

"A boyfriend? A fucking boyfriend, Mark? You can't see how much I cared about you! Fucking dammit, I loved you! I fucking loved you! You have no idea how much it rips my heart out when you say you've brought home another girl. I wanted you to be my boyfriend but I can see now how stupid I was," I spit at him. 

Mark just stands there, his mouth closing and opening repeatedly like a fish out of water. He looks stricken. "Y-you love me?"

I shake my head at him, "Loved. Past tense. You do nothing but play with a girl's feelings. Its a fucking game for you. I don't want to be a game, I'm never going to be a game. You, Mark Fischbach, are nothing to me. You managed to string me along for ages. You broke my heart a long time ago. I don't love you anymore."

I turn and throw open the door and feel Mark grab me once more. He clenches my hand this time. He tries desperately to lace his fingers with mine. "A-are you leaving? Y-you c-can't leave! Please, just stay. We c-can figure this out tomorrow. C-come on let's go to bed. Please (Y/n), don't leave me," Mark stutters. Small trails of tears leak from his eyes. I pull away from him once more. 

"You have another girl laying in your bed right now. I'm not coming back inside. I'm not coming back ever. Now go finish your one night fuck. Shes probably waiting for you." I walk through the door and close it gently behind me. 

I walk to my car and start the engine. I pull out of the driveway and just drive. I drive anyway from my old house, I drive away from the unknown girl, and I drive away from Mark. 

I don't know where I'm going but all I know is that I'm going to get there someday. 

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