Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Songs for this chapter- You and I by One Direction and Flawless by the Neighborhood

Taylor's POV

I wake up cuddled against Harry's unclothed chest. I was extremely warm and I could hear his soft snore escape his lips. His arms are placed around my waist in a tight lock and I couldn't try to escape without waking him. The memory of last night plays over and over again in my head. I can't believe I has asked him to stay. He had reason making me sleep here, but was I really that crazy to keep him by my side. Especially because of the feelings that I had torward him. A mix of longing and anger. I wanted to lay in this bed forever but at the same time I couldn't help but hate him. I know I shouldn't, I should hate his actions. He was always so sweet and welcoming. Charming was the best word to describe it. But all of the fucked up things he had done to me had removed the true image of Harry Styles. Harry was now so distorted in my mind I couldn't help but feel some resentment torwards this beautiful man lying next to me.

"You're awake?" He finally mumbles.

"Yeah," I sigh softly.

"Sorry,' He apologizes and then removes his arms from around my body.

"It's fine,' I assure him.

"Do you want breakfast? I could make us something. Or we can go out and get something together," He offers.

"It's fine. I better get going," I reply, taking a moment to stretch.

"You're going to leave this early?" He asks, Harry was really hurt by my subtle rejection.

"Yeah. I think it's best if I let you get ready for your day.." I begin but he stops me. He is now sitting up against the headboard.

"I have nothing to do today," He insists.

"I just don't want to impose," I say.

"You would never be imposing," He snaps.

"Well I think it's just best if I go," I fire back.

"Look, I'm sorry if things didn't go as you planned last night but they can't always go in an order. Taylor you've always been the kind of person to want your every move to work out according to plan. But that's never going to happen," His words infuriate me but they were true.

"I need to leave," I reply and then storm out of his bedroom.

He follows behind in an angry manner as I put my shoes on and grab my bag. I shove past him to try and get to the door but his long frame is standing infront of it like it had been the night before.

"We never talk. That's our problem," He half laughs in disbelief as I lean on one of my legs with both my arms crossed.

"We don't need to. Harry this isn't going to work," I sigh.

"You're not even giving it a chance," He practically growls.

I get silent for a moment because I knew Harry was speaking the truth. Harry has always spoke the truth and I have been a coward for not hearing what he was saying. But then again he was the one who has pulled the metaphorical trigger on me so many times. It was hard to trust someone that has practically handed you your death.

"You have hurt me so many times Harry, I'm scared that if I open my door open too much you're going to rob me again,' I reason.

"I'm sorry ok. We've both had fucked up pasts and I know yours is worse than mine. I am the definition of a screw up and you bet I remind myself every day of how many times I've messed with people's minds. Don't feel like you're alone because I have done this so many times to the boys. I'm surprised that they can actually stand to be around me," His speech brings me back to a middle ground but then again, my trust is fragile.

Ashes [Haylor AU]- Smoke SequelWhere stories live. Discover now