Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

Songs for this chapter- Sparks by Coldplay and Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High by the Arctic Monkeys

Harry's POV

I sit in the back seat in silence. Taylor has not spoken one word to me since Paul had made us both get in the same car even though she refused. I must have done it this time. She was really done with me and this was the fate of us. She would just walk away and leave me here. Just what I deserved.

"Where are we going?' I ask Paul.

"I am taking you home and then I am taking Taylor to get her car from Niall and Michelle's," He says. I scowl.

"We aren't even going to talk about this?' I practically yell at her as I lurch forward in my seat.

"I shouldn't have even come, I can't even look at you," She spits.

"Taylor we need to talk about this. In private," I insist.

"Harry not today. It's been a long day and there's something I need to take care of," She snaps.

"Pleas. Just lets go back to my place and talk this over and then we can go from there," I practically beg.

"I'm done giving you chances Harry," She sniffles.

"Paul just drop us both off at my place," I demand.

"Harry I can't just do that," He says with a frown.

I then go back to sitting in silence. I wanted to drink a whole bottle again just to forget everything that had happened. I lost everything so I just wanted to be in a permanent drunken state for the rest of my life. But I had a band and a family to live up to. I even had a small sliver of hope that Taylor could forgive me. I regret everything I did and I don't know if I could fix it this time.

"We're here. Get out Harry," Paul says as kindly as he can.

"I am not getting out unless Taylor does too," I say and then cross my arms.

"Don't do this," Paul sighs.

"Taylor we obviously need to talk," I tell her and then she looks back at me with puffy blood shot eyes.

"I need to take care of myself and have somethings to do before we can talk," She says softly.

"When? We need to be open and communicate. I know I messed up-" I begin but she cuts me off.

"I'll be back later this evening. Please clean yourself up, eat, and make sure you're ready," She commands.

"I will. I will make this up to you," I promise her.

"Just..I'll be over there," She reassures me.


I sit waiting for Taylor. I had sent her seventeen messages in the last hour and a half and called her about five. She had not answered her phone and it was worrying me. I had showered and had something to eat. I didn't have any intention of drinking if she was on her way over here. That must have been a blessing because I would have finished half abottle already. But Taylor was number one at the moment.

I now pace around my living area waiting for her to call me back or atleast tell me she was on her way. I was worried and scared even that she wouldn't come back and that she was saying that to get me out of the car.

"Come here," I tell Taylor with a cheeky grin spread across my face.

"Make me," She says as she walks across the room. She was wearing nothing but her red undergarments. I was shirtless but my jeans were still covering my legs.

Ashes [Haylor AU]- Smoke SequelWhere stories live. Discover now