Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Harry's POV

Well here I am sitting on Niall's sofa listening to him tell some rubbish story about his and Michelle's last few days in New York. They had gone out ice skating and for hot cocoa. How romantic. Well I shouldn't say that it's rubbish, but I was just sad that Taylor couldn't be here with me. My mind had been drifting in and out of the conversation but then Niall said something that completely caught my attention.

"So Michelle and I have an announcement. We have only told our parents so far, but Michelle and I are engaged," He announces.

"That's amazing. Good for you two!" Zayn gushes.

"yeah. You guys are going to be a lovely couple," Perrie cooes.

"Congrats," Someone from the mass of people across the room yells.

The room then goes back to its loud ruckess of noise. I then go back to my mindless thinking. I was thinking about Taylor and what she could be doing right now. Was she thinking about me?

"What's wrong mate? Not happy for Niall?' Louis asks as soon as he takes seat next to me.

"No I'm glad he found someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with..But I can't help but thinl about Taylor," I sigh.

"Not to make you feel bad or sound like a complete douche. But I actually pictured you two getting married before any of us. Then I guess Niall and Michelle next," He lightly chuckles after speaking.

"Me too Lou," I reply giving him a soft smile.

"Who invited her?" I hear Michelle harshly whisper to Niall as soon as they take the seat on the other side of me. Louis looks over to them so he can hear what they were saying.

"I couldn't tell Kelly Osbourne no. It's one of her good friends," Niall replies.

"Already fighting," Louis teases and Niall shoots him a look.

"Well Niall you have to keep in mind your best friend is here," Michelle tries to whisper just to him.

"What's going on?" Louis was practically demanding his answer.

"We sort of have an issue due to your dumbass friend," Michelle spits.

"And that would be?" Louis was impatient.

"Niall let Kelly invite Heather," She informs us harshly.

"what the hell Niall?" I ask as I stand up.

"Harry don't go. I'm sorry. Kelly insisted. But you know her. She's a trouble maker,' He pleads.

"I have to get out of here before anything gets out of hand," I say hurridly.

"Don't worry Harry. You won't have to leave. I'll make her leave," Michelle insists.

"No. Let me go. I'm just moody anyway. Plus-' I begin but Michelle cuts me off.

"I know you have been a better mood with Taylor. I'm glad you've improved. But let me kick her out so you can stay," she insists.

Before I could say anything else she was already pushing through the crowd. I then decide to head to the rest room. I push past a group of people and walk up the stairs. Good thing Niall had forbid people to wander up here. I needed to be alone. I close the bathroom door in the master bedroom and then splash water on my face. I look up in the mirror. I was staring back at myself because my mind wouldn't just focus on right now in the present. I wanted to center myself on my reflection and get my head straight. I didn't need to stress myself worrying about the future. I then jump when I hear the door open. In came Heather.

"we need to discuss things,' she purrs as she shuts the door.

"what do you want?" I snap.

"I think we just need to have a talk," She says and then presses the lock.

"Heather," I warn as she steps closer to me.

I turn around from where I was facing the mirror to face her. She had a large grin on her face. I tried to shove past her but her body was already pressed against mine. I was leaning back into the sink as she looked me up and down, our bodies pressed together.

"Get off of me," I demand.

"Oh Harry. I think you have got me all wrong. You think you can just break up with a girl like me?' She was trying to be assertive and I wasn't buying it.

"Yeah I can and I did," I snap once more. She takes a slight step back.

"Harry. So young and naive. You were the one who came crawling back to me in your time of need. You were the one that needed me," She replies ferociously.

"I don't want you. I never needed you. You were my rebound. We're finished and I'm never coming back to you!" I practically shout as I step forward. I was in her face and she put her arms up against my chest.

I throw her arms down lightly and while she is confused I stomp over to the door and walk out. She follows behind as I begin to walk down the stairs.

"Coward! You can't face your own past,' She shouts gathering multiple people's attention.

"We're done," I remind her loudly.

"Not until I say we are," She was attracting more people and soon enough the whole place was silent.

I walk into the kitchen as she continues to shout at me. I finally turn to face her. All of the other boys and Michelle are standing in the kicthen when the next chain of events ensue.

"You're worthless Harry. Taylor won't take you back," she screams.

"Well then what does that say about you?' I ask her and everyone's eyes were on us.

She then opens up the nearest cabinet and takes out a stack of plates. Michelle goes to stop her but she is already in full swing.

"I am on the only one who can take your sad soul in. Nobody will ever love you the way I do," She screams. I dodge the mountain of plates that would fly torward me.

"Stop!" Michelle yells at her.

"I thought you were going to make this pyscho leave," I shout at her.

"I couldn't find her," Michelle argues.

"Harry it's not Michelle's fault," Niall yells over the breaking plates.

"Stop hiding Harry. I know you'll come back to me," Heather shouts.

"Stop throwing plates," I growl.

"Stop telling me lies," She responds and tosses another one.

"You don't know me Heather. You don't know me like you would like to think you do," I say as I walk torwards her.

She then drops the rest of the stack and comes up to me. She slaps me straight across the face.

"I hope you release that you need me," She was now in tears.

I grab her wrist and lower her hand again. I toss it to her side lightly and then walk out of the kitchen. I open up the door before anyone could follow me. I get into my range rover and rev the engine. Like that I was gone, hoping to never see her again.

I updated today, yay! I hope you all liked it. I hope to update again soon. Thanks for reading and votes and comments would be great.

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