How We Met

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Erica's P.O.V.

It was becoming quite normal to see the scouts head in and out of the gates of Wall Sina. My name is Erica Anstern, age seventeen and by my eighteenth birthday I will take over the family along with another noble (through marriage obviously) whom my father will select for me. I wasn't against this family rule but I was much against being kept under strict guard by the military police. I was growing quite annoyed by their continuous brags of how they overcame the tough training to be where they are now (of course I believe that the real saviors of our endangered kind are those who muster up all their courage to go face those vicious man-eating titans. My grandfather being general Pixis I was allowed to watch the soon-to-be cadets train. My mother was obviously terrified that I might want to become a soldier but to her luck I was afraid of heights and had no intention of gliding so high with the help of an ODM gear.Not that I wanted to slice the necks of those titans, I was just not ready to see my comrades die and on top of that I had inherited a much safer ability from my grandfather: the sight to see potential and the ability to make quick and correct decisions in the most tensed-up moments.

To prove my ability I can assure you that I had seen hope in one particular cadet-in-training, Eren Jeagar and today it has proved true as in being a titan shifter he has helped us turn the tables on those blood-thirsty mongrels.

Four years ago, while on my usual visits to the training grounds, a particular boy with expressive teal-green eyes and determination that showed that he had had a bone to pick with those titans caught my interest. As the days went by, I grew quite fond of him as I observed his continuous improvement and the excitement he gave me with the questions that formed in my head each time he met with a challenge, "will he, won't he?".

Apparently, the potato girl noticed my keen interest in him and publicly asked me if I had a thing for Eren which I immediately explained to everyone that it was just my curiosity in how far he will succeed in his goals. I still remember that that same night I was out on a field looking up at the bright stars and wondering what kind of a world lay beyond those walls when a certain voice startled me. "Oh! I didn't know anybody would be out here. Sorry if I am disturbing you, I'll lea-" before he could finish his line I quickly managed to blurt out, "It's okay. I was supposed to be leaving anyway."

When I got up to leave I saw a pair of bright teal-green orbs looking at me intensely. I felt quite uncomfortable under his gaze but I guessed he realized that it was the KEEN INTEREST girl so I had enough things to be uncomfortable about.

As I walked past him he asked, "Do you think I can do it?"

"Do what?"

"You know, destroy all the titans..."

I quickly about-turned and walked up to him, "What's your purpose for killing them?"


"Don't tell me you have no purpose!"

"Hey! Of course I do! I want to explore the world outside the walls and save mankind!"

"Good. Now keep that in mind and let your hardheadedness and strong-willed spirit take over!"

I still remember that look on his face that clearly read, 'I wont back down!' and till today I guess he is still working towards his dream and succeeding as he faces the obstacles. I can't help but feel proud.


Hi everyone! This is my very first fanfiction and for the past few hours my brain and heart were running wild whether or not to write a fanfiction. I'm surprised I am not having a nervous break-down.

Anyway, hope you enjoy. I look forward to comments, please let me know any improvements and help me build the plot along the way. (I'd like to add other's ideas into this story!)

Criticism is welcome but please try not to be too harsh!

I plan on releasing a chapter every week. sorry if it is too long to wait but i have my music and studies to work on too! Sorry to those who didn't like the story. 

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