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Erica's P.O.V.

Night fell and my 'bodyguards' were allowed to retire in their rooms. My father had invited them to stay at our house for safety. As usual I climbed up unto the roof to look at the moon. While gazing at the stars above I began recalling everything that had happened today. Quite obviously my thoughts settled on my meeting with Eren. We didn't seem to converse that much and I was expecting him to show some signs of remembering me but that didn't happen. I felt this deep and empty feeling in my heart. I thought that we could talk abut our old encounter later but until then I decided to keep quiet. I was so lost in thought that I didn't here Eren climb up onto the roof.

"Oh sorry! I thought nobody would be here...I'll lea-"and once again I cut him off but this time differently,

"Seems very familiar, huh?"

He just stayed there staring at me and I saw a slight shade of pink come across his face which made me slightly giggle.

"Wait, you remember?!"

"Why wouldn't I? Who could forget the boy who wanted to kill every last titan?"

"Yeah... to be honest I thought you didn't remember."

"And I thought you didn't remember me!" I giggled it out.

From the distance I heard Aunt Dolly calling out to me, "Well, I guess we should catch up later. The wicked witch of Sina awaits me" with that I stood up to leave but my foot got tangled and I tripped.

I was expecting to fall on some rough roof tiles but I landed on Eren instead! My heart skipped a beat! I don't remember how long we remained like that but I remember how close are lips were, just two inches away and we kept getting closer as we kept boring into each others eyes. We were hypnotized that we didn't realize that are lips had pressed against each others. "Erica?!" I heard my aunt's voice. I quickly realized what I was doing and so did he! We parted immediately and I didn't look him in the eyes as I scurried down from the attic to the hallway. My face felt so hot and I could feel myself so dizzy! "My first kiss!" escaped as a whisper and suddenly an alarming 'what?' caught my attention.

My aunt stood there behind me and I just said nothing while I was still pressing my lips with two fingers. I was still unsure of what had happened and my mind was full of nothing! Even as I was picking out my attire for tomorrow's meeting with Lord Crazor I was thinking of no one else but Eren.

Eren's P.O.V.

I saw her trip and I rushed to help her but she ended up on me! I wasn't sure what to do or say...I just waited but when I looked up I saw her eyes and everything else, the titans, my worries of training, everything seemed to vanish. All I could see, hear and feel was Erica and what I didn't realise was that we were already kissing! We heard Lady Dolly call for her and we parted immediately. I watched her rush off of the roof without giving me a second look.

I couldn't let that face get out of my mind. I started to long for her every minute after. I realized that things were not going to remain the same after tonight.

Third person's P.O.V.

That night the two lay in their beds thinking of their little rendez-vous. Both slept thinking of the other but Eren didn't know that Erica was to meet her husband-to-be tomorrow and Eren was falling head over heels for a girl he encountered twice. 


Hi people! Hope you enjoyed this one. I really hope this sounds suitable for attack on titan. 

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