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Erica's P.O.V.

"Erica honey? Time to wake up dear. The carriage will leave after breakfast, we mustn't keep Lord Crazor waiting." with that my mother rushed to get dressed herself. I slipped into a blue long-sleeved knee-length dress with dark brown boots and tied my hair into a ponytail.

I quickly rushed out for breakfast and there I saw my parents, grandpa, aunt Dolly, Armin , Hitch, Marlo and of course, Eren. Throughout breakfast I saw him look at me while we ate and I too blushed and looked at my food each time. To break the awkward silence, which Armin had seemingly noticed, inquired from grandpa where we will be heading today.

"You have heard of Lord Crazor have you not boy?"

"Yes I have sir"

"Well he has agreed to have Erica's hand in marriage and we will be visiting him today so that Erica and he would be better acquainted." Just then from the corner of the table Eren suddenly began choking.

Aunt Dolly's curiosity lit up and she asked, "Eren, does the mention of Erica's marriage displease you?"

"No ma'am, I just choked on my food ma'am."

I saw grandpa's and mom's eyes slightly scrunch at Eren which of course he didn't see. I tried to change the subject so I rose from the table to leave after excusing myself.

"Eek!" my aunt shrieked, "Don't tell me you plan on meeting Lord Crazor in that costume?!"

"Okay, I won't tell you" I gave her a big grin with that.

"Everybody else prepare to leave, Erica, come with me!" I knew what was happning so I listened to my aunt and followed her into her room. She went to her closet and took out a long sleeveless pink dress that reached upto my heel. She had asked a girl fetch me my red heels along with a gold chain from my locker.

I was so uncomfortable wearing a long dress but I let the fact slide. She got another girl to make my hair and there was no going against her so I obeyed silently.

Eren's P.O.V.

We waited for a while until Erica arrived and the fact that she was engaged to a Lord Crazor still hadn't left my mind making me angrier by the minute. I finally find someone to protect and she is snatched away. More impotantly does she want to marry that man. I want to make sure she is left in the care of a man willing to risk his life for her.

Just then I heard Armin remark, "Hey Eren, look."

I looked up the stairs to see and there I saw Erica coming down, I realised that I was gazing at her until General Pixis nudged me with a devious smile. "Beautiful isn't she?"

"I'll say."

"Her mother and grandmother both wore that on there first time meeting their husbands-to-be. I guess that beauty carried on." As he said this, there was this little voice inside telling me 'she should walk up to you wearing that dress'.

Erica's P

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Erica's P.O.V

As I walked down the entrance stairs, I tried to catch a glimpse of Eren. That daze he was in made me feel very awkward and it made me remember our little moment up on the roof. I figured that too many people must have seen me looking at Eren so I decided to smile to avoid suspicion and that made it my turn to giggle when I once again saw that cute pink creep up on his face.

I was once again reminded on today's main objective making that giggle an inside cry from the heart. I knew that our first kiss meant something to the two of us and I hadd no power of keeping that intact and to my knowledge, neither does he.

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