Chapter 1

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Hey, so I have never written fanfic before so I am hoping this will be good :) Enjoy

Mrs. Hudson's POV:

'It's her. It's really her!' I thought as I studied the young girl up and down. This was my granddaughter.
I know it was surprising I even had a daughter, but I did. She was taken away from me when my husbands cartel was found out by the police. Apparently I was unfit for parenting. I'm not saying I was because I know I wasn't, I was only a young girl at the time.
But after a few years of not hearing from her, she sent me a letter asking me over for tea. She said there was something I should know. So I went and that's when I found out about Amelia.She was only three at the time and that was the only time I met her but she was unforgettably beautiful.
Not this time though. This time she was pale and thin. The only recognisable feature about her was her beautiful almond shaped hazel eyes and her soft blonde hair.
You may be wondering why she was here. She was running away. She had been running for weeks and I knew that because other than being all over the news, I knew that this visit was going to happen.
"Come in, dear," I say letting my fifteen year old granddaughter out of the cool London air and inside my home. I was one am and she looked so tired. And hungry.
"Would you like a bite to eat? Or a bath?" I said.
"Thank you but all I would like right now is to shower and some sleep." She said stumbling over to a seat in the dining room.
"Sure thing dear, I will go run the bath for you, but while you wait would you like a biscuit? You are awfully thin." I stated and before she answered I handed he me the biscuit jar and flicked on the kettle. She smiled a thank you and I nodded. I then headed into the bathroom and turned on the taps while smiling to myself. She is really here.
It's not like I am so oblivious to think that the police are after her or her foster parents, I am just so excited. But what do I do now? I know. I will ask Sherlock Holmes.

Amelia's POV:

At last. Peace. Although all I had heard my mother say about my grandmother was bad, I still felt at home here. And after running all over Europe and finally ending up here, I thought this must be meant to be.
Who was I running from you ask? I was running from my crazy foster parents. My mother died the a year ago and I have been passed around, one foster parent to the next until I just ran away.
It wasn't them that bothered me though. I just don't get along with people.
I am finally relaxing. This is the first proper bath I have had in four weeks. I soak a while before I get out so I can enjoy it as much as I can.
When I get out I realise all have have to change into are my old dirty, sweat stained clothes. Just as I am about to say something though, the door slightly opens a bough to hear what my grandmother is about to say.
"I have a nightgown of mine that you can borrow for tonight and tomorrow we will get you some real clothes." She hands in a nightgown that looks like it won't fit me. I pull it over my head. The generosity of this woman is amazing, I am so thankful I can barely put it into words.
I walk out in the oversized nightgown and am utterly embarrassed because in the dining there are not one but two men sitting at the table talking to my grandmother. One of them looked up at me and gave me a tired smile and the other one just looked straight ahead at my grandmother. The smiling man was short with creases on his forehead and bags under his eyes which probably meant he had was tired but smiling meant he was happy to help. The other man was tall with black hair and a defined face. His manners- or lack thereof- suggested he was tired or just socially inept.
My grandmother turned around and introduced us all.
"Dear, this is John and Sherlock, they are going to help you out. John, Sherlock, this is Amelia, my granddaughter."
"Nice to meet you both," I smiled, "I apologise for my immodesty, I didn't know you were coming. Now excuse me, I am going to bed."
"Yes I should leave to and get to Mary, goodbye mrs. Hudson and nice meeting you Amelia, I'm off,"
How embarrassing! This was mostly mortifying as I will probably see them more often. This is because I am guessing they come from nearby. I say this because the unsociable man would not travel more than ten meters to help anyone at this time of night. I also think that if they are helping me then I might need to see them a lot.
"Good night dear!" my grandmother yells. I tiredly make myself to the guest room where my bed is made and I get in thankful for my grandmothers work.
Finally in bed and under the covers I realise that all I need is a good book but before I am bothered to get up I am fast asleep.
• • •
I awaken ten am to the sound of a violin in the room above mine and I am guessing it is Sherlock. He had the fingers for it and John didn't look intellectual enough for it.
I get out of bed on this cold winter morning and wrap a thick sheet around my shoulder because I have nothing else to keep me warm. Even having a sheet is a win for me. Most nights I didn't even have a bed.
I make my way outside and smell the delicious smell of bacon, eggs and sausages. I haven't smell such a scent in weeks! I quickly made my way to the dining room where my grandmother was placing a plate on the table.
"Dear! Your up! Perfect timing! Take a seat," she said.
"This looks amazing, thank you so much," I say though it doesn't look five star but what more could I ask her for? It is a meal that I would never have gotten any where else. She then sat down next to me and looked at me a while.
"What do you need? Money, food or are sincerely just wanting to move in?"
"Mrs. Hudson what are you proposing? All I truly want is what I put in that letter, just a home and somebody to love me."
Oh yes, one thing I forgot to mention. The letter I wrote to her a few months ago. I told her I wanted to meet her, that after all these years of not knowing her has been dreadful - thought I would add just a touch of drama because that's what I do- and that I was in need of a home and someone to love me. She let me know where she lived and to come when needed. And I needed that at this moment in time.
"Ok then, last night talking to Sherlock and John, they said that I could have you legally in my care within a month with the help of Sherlock's older brother. Does that sound ok to you?"
"That is all I have ever wanted!" I said finishing my meal.
"Then we should be off to go get clothes for you and some eggs and milk for me."
• • •
"Do you like this?" Mrs. Hudson picked up a pink frilly skirt. I laughed. It is the opposite thing to what I would usually wear. I usually stick with one style and different combinations that consists of jeans, an ordinary t-shirt, a blazer which makes me look smart and flats that are the only shoes that agree with my pale, bones feet. I already have two blazers, three shirts, two jeans and two pairs of shoes.
Although I seem rude I like to please mrs. Hudson because she is so generous and loving. What was my mother thinking? Every smile on this woman is so sincere and happy.
• • •
When we get home Mrs. Hudson explains that she is going to go see Sherlock and John about tea and biscuits or something and offered for me to come with her and I take it up. It is only upstairs but I hate being alone and although last night I met these men not even wearing a bra, I went with her.
I went inside and standing in the middle of the room is Sherlock standing somewhat awkwardly in the middle of the room staring at something in the kitchen. It looks like he is studying something but I don't know what. In a couch is a lady with blonde short hair holding a new baby and John standing next to her admiring the little girl. I am guessing that the baby and the wife is John's. I smile at each of them and take a seat next to the lady.
"This is Mary and that beautiful baby right there is little Remi. Remi Watson." John says proudly still looking at the little Remi. I smile at Mary and say hi to John.
"I'm Amelia, but you can call me Mia," I say politely.
"Would anyone like some tea?" Mrs. Hudson asks
"Yes please," everyone says.
" I'll help," Mary offers passing baby Remi to John. Feeling like we have been ignoring Sherlock I decide to make small talk but by now he is on his laptop on a site called the Science of Deduction.
"What do you do?" I ask him politely,
"Guess," he says sarcastically, while rudely not taking his eyes off his computer.
"Well by the looks of all these photos and the string I would say private detective but you don't have half the security for that. Then I would say working for the police because of the access and knowledge you have of the law but that would be wrong to, also the experiments in the kitchen that I think I see implies you are scientific but if you were you would have a lab for that, so I am stuck, what is it you do exactly, Mr. Holmes?" By now I had everyone staring at me, including Sherlock who had a little smirk on his face.
"Oh. My. God. There are two of them." John says not taking his tired eyes off of me.
"You are going to be very useful, young girl," Sherlock says turning back to his computer and continues typing.
I am so confused.

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