Chapter 9

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Two weeks. Two full weeks since anything has happened and I haven't heard a thing from Sherlock. I am sincerely worried for the sake of that poor families lives. He could have solved the case and I wouldn't have known. It has only been two weeks so I doubt he actually has solved it but I am making a point. I have been going to school with out interruptions and doing my bucket loads of homework each afternoon, sometimes Mary comes over with Remi to help me since she is kind of out of a job and although she is in love with her baby girl she is bored and needs things to do. Like my history homework. I know most people hate algebra and equations and all that stuff but I rather enjoy maths because it is always the same and seems to make sense and although I flashed my teacher he seems like he has a little bit of respect for me to take seriously so that is always a plus.

"Mary, tell me,"


"When did the French Revolution occur?" I asked

"Really? How old are you?" Mary asked as if everyone should know the answer to the question.

"15...what does it matter? I am acing every other subject! What does the French Revolution matter?" I exclaim standing up and walking around to her and showing her my sheet of paper that has my assignment questions on it.

"Tell me how I am meant to do this!" I said melodramatically and taking a seat next to her, sliding down so far down that I nearly fall off.

"You and Sherlock are so alike," she said smiling and looking down at the sheet.

"Take that back!" I say pointing at her.

"Well you are! You are both overdramatic, you both delete things from your mind so you can be smarter," she gestures to the assignment paper, "which to be honest makes no sense at all! You both excel in deductions and science," she listed off.

"Nice wording." I say realising what she has to say has a point.

"Thank you," she said looking back at the piece of paper and reads it. I look at little Remi who is just sitting there peacefully observing the view, then does a little burp. Aw. I go and pick her up and cradle her. She falls asleep as soon as I do so.

"And your weakness for babies," she pointed out.

"Ah but not just any baby!" I said gesturing to Remi.

"Not only that but she has a massive weakness for both of you to!"

"Well she has good taste, that's all, isn't it!" I ask baby Remi and she gives another little burp. "See?"


"Hi Keely," I said politely smiling at the girl. We weren't exactly close friends but we both were the ones in classes who never got chosen to be partnered with anyone, we were the last resorts and we always ended up together so why not just sit together at lunches? I took a seat next to her placing my brown lunch bag next her her pink lunch box that had apple stickers all over it. I feel as though I should explain what she looks like. She has dark, long curly unruly hair and she is quite tall. Her skin is a a lot more tan than mine, I don't know how since she lives in London so it must be in her blood. She is really quiet and reads a lot so that is why it is good that we sit together. So we can read and not look like loners although I read scientific things and she reads fiction. All well.

"What do you have today?" I ask her gesturing to her book.

"To Kill a Mockingbird," she picks up the book and shows me the cover and I frown.

"Morbid." I open my book that is all about the intricacy of the life cycle of every molecule to page 212.

"Says the girl reading science crap." She scoffs and looks back at her book.


"Sherlock?" I say as I make my way into the morgue at St. Bart's. He told me to meet him here after school which was a relief since he hasn't spoken to me for a while.

"Yep," he looks up from his microscope and smiles a warm smile. This is really weird.

"How are you going?" I ask going along with it. He walks over excitedly and shows me a little slide and to be honest at first I didn't see anything.

"Do you see it?" He asks.

"Umm.." I say trying to look closer and finally see a small clear droplet of clear liquid but it wasn't water. It was something I had never seen before, it was amazing but I didn't know what it was exactly.

"Cool." I say and walk over to the desk and plop my bag down on the table.

"Oh, you and John are so alike. You but you don't observe!" I look at him and death stare.

"What?" He says innocently.

"What do you think?" I ask as of he should know.

"I guess comparing you to John was a little bit rude,"

"Yes, it was."

"But I am not apologising." He winks then grabs his coat and walks out of the morgue.

"Sherlock, where are you going?"

"Away!" I catch up to him and run as fast as I can to be along side him but his strides are far to long which means I am just awkwardly running a bit behind him.

"Sherlock!" I yell but he keeps going.

"Sherlock!" I try again and finally he stops.

"Explain," I ask because I have no idea what's going on. One second he is happy looking at cells and the next he is running away.

"That text? Yeah, apparently there were some leads and the father had received warnings and notes from whoever is behind all this. I knew it was happening the whole time but that text just verified everything-"

"Sure you did." I butt in.

"Shut up. Anyway, if I don't go now we would have lost our chance. So hurry up." He turned around and started running again but I stood still.

"What now?" He said when he realised I wasn't behind him.

"Sherlock I can't go, I have work to do. You know? School work?" I said but I truly didn't actually care about it. I just wanted to make sure he took the fall. Yeah, I'm mean, I get that a lot.

"Oh get over it, do you want to come or not?" Oh what the hell.

"Fine," I smile and run along side him, ready for whatever danger lies ahead.

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