Chapter 4

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Authors Note:

Sorry for the short chapter

but I hope you still enjoy it



Chapter 4

Amelia's POV:

We are running. For whatever reason, just as I stepped out side my door eight sharp, Sherlock was rushing and grabbed my hand and we ran out the door. We have been running ever since. All over town. I don't have any idea why but I don't even feel scared, I feel energised. Interested for what is going to happen next.

Finally we arrive at the local hospital. St Bartholomew's I think it's name is. Been here a week and I already know the nearest hospital. Nerd.

We walk into the morgue and suddenly, a peculiar rush of excitement engulfs me. I must be a freak.

We walk into a fairly large room and with a massive island bench in the middle.

Sherlock hangs his coat on a coatrack and makes his way over to a microscope and starts fixing it up to use.

"Hand me the tweezers, Amelia." He says as if everything is regularly normal.

"What the hell, Sherlock?! We ran all the way here so you can look at some cells? Do we even get food?" I say somewhat out of breath. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Well it worked." He says then looked back down.

"And food?" I ask again.

"We'll get some fish and chips on the way home. Now the tweezers." He says without looking up from the microscope but putting out his hand for me to give him the tweezers. I scoff and stay right where I am. This might seem rude but the tweezers are less then arms reach away and he could get them himself. Still waiting he looks up impatiently and waits. I cross my arms and take a seat. Then in walks a lady who looks about only two years younger then Sherlock holding a clipboard reading something on it. She obviously doesn't realise our presence as she walks straight past us and takes a seat.

"Good evening Molly." Sherlock says breaking her away from her work. She nearly falls off her chair and yelps.

"Every time! Sherlock!" She said re-assembling her things and taking a seat again.

"Do you want me to put a sign on the door next time?" He says being a smart aleck.

"Well that would be useful," she said smiling and he smiled back. She obviously has a thing for him and he can see it. But does he have a 'thing for her.

"Molly, Amelia, Amelia, Molly." He says introducing us but looking back down at the microscope, fiddling with a few of the knobs on the side.

"Hi," she smiles at me but she looks a bit confused, as if how would he know me? It wasn't rude but just confused.

"You can just call me Mia and this is a long story." I gesture to me and him.

"Not really." He says.

"She's my apprentice."

"I am?"

"She is?"


Hmm... I like the sound of that. Has a ring to it. Sherlock's Apprentice.

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