Chapter 13

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Sherlock's POV:

Three weeks and neither are awake.

Three weeks since the confrontation.

Three weeks and nothing looks good.

I haven't solved anything let alone taken my mind off John and Amelia.

After taking Amelia to work I received a call from Mary saying that she was on the way to the hospital with John and that he had all the same symptoms as Amelia. Only moments later did I receive a call telling me to go to the same warehouse that Amelia thought she saw Moriarty and saved the girl. When I got there the warehouse was empty and everything was dull and dirty.

That was where I met Richard Brooke. Not Jim Moriarty but who Moriarty posed to be. He told me how he was the twin and that he hasn't gone by the name Moriarty since it was disgraced by his brother.

He explained how he never helped his brother kill him and though annoyed with his psychopathic brother he still loved him. He loved his brother despite his imperfections and dirty traits and virtues. There past was still there past.

He went on to explain his hatred and disgust for me, making Moriarty kill himself. He said he had bigger and better plans. Plans that will make Moriarty's network larger and stronger and nothing will break it. This case was just a little warning and I will die one day but he has plans in store for me. Big plans.

I look over at the hospital beds that both Amelia and John are peacefully sleeping in and notice that Amelia's arm has lifted from her side and it is now placed on her thin stomach. John is in the same position as he was before but Amelia has moved. I go over and look at her sound body as a machine in the back ground beeped a constant beat, it did not seem to disturb both sleeping beauty's.

Not that they are beautiful, it's just a reference.

But for the small second a small rush of peace DID come over me. As well as a rush of hope. You would think that being Sherlock Holmes I would be able to escape human error or at least sentiment because after the surge of faith I didn't feel anything but grief. I realised that if Amelia was the only one to get well that John would soon pass away from my grip and I finally realised what he may have felt when I died. But that wasn't the thing that hit. It was Remi. She was only 9 months old and here is her father slowly being taken from her.

Why John? Why Amelia? So young in her youth and so much to live for. And why not me? It's my fault anyway.

"Sherlock?" I hear a small voice. I smile and look from John back to Amelia.

"How crap do I look?"

"Have you seen Nanny McPhee?"

"Thanks." She smiled and went back to sleep.

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