Chapter 12

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Hey I have been trying to update it more often. I know there are tonnes of mistakes in here but nobody's perfect :p haha look out for the POV changes. Sorry it's a short chapter :( hope it's at least enjoyable :p


I can't believe this. In no way is it possible that that was my blood on the dolls neck. And I thought moving here, off the street, would kind of make me stay alive. I have been lying here in my bed for three days straight and I think I'm getting bed sores. Today is the day I was meant to die which is funny because after faking a fever and I think karma is kicking in from lying to mrs. Hudson because I am feeling drowsy and sick. I don't feel like reading or writing, I don't feel like getting up and eating and even standing makes me feel light headed. I feel like vomiting even. I look around the room and it feels like it is getting bigger then smaller and the flowers on my quilt feel like they are moving, growing even. I move my head over to look at the clock and it reads 10:23 but if feels like I have been lying here for hours longer. I look back up at the ceiling and lazily close my eyes then I don't have the strength to open them again and I think what's the harm?


I decide that the best thing to do today is to keep checking on both Amelia and John. I called John five minutes ago and he was at work and had a slight headache but what's different? After having a child it's expected. Amelia doesn't have a phone and calling Mrs. Hudson wouldn't be the best idea because she would ask me why I was checking up on her and lying to her is easy but not so simple for my conscience. I check the time on my phone and it says it is 10:30 so I go downstairs to see Amelia. When I get there Mrs. Hudson is out getting me tea and biscuits I suppose. I walk to where Amelia's room is and walk straight into the small room. She is asleep and I look back at the time. 10:35. She would be up and awake by now. One morning it was 6am and she came up and started making breakfast for me. Not to be nice but to get on my nerves. I lean forward and touch her forehead. It is freezing but also sweating.

"Amelia." She stays completely still.

"Amelia!" I say a little louder and she stirs a little bit but then goes still again.

"Amelia, can you get up?" I ask and she only makes a noise with her mouth that makes no sense.


I can't move. I can move a little bit but I can't stand. I wince a little bit then quiet down again. I think I hear Sherlock get out his phone and call the ambulance.

"Ambulance. 221 Baker Street. Cold sweat, inability to move and heavy breathing." I hadn't even noticed that I was breathing was heavy and short breathes. Maybe this wasn't karma. Maybe this is Moriarty.


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