Chapter 15

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Amelia's POV:

Well then. This is awkward. Sherlock is here staring at The Woman that he -in John's eyes- fell in love with. He hasn't seen her in years but that doesn't mean he thinks about her any chance he gets. Molly says that before I came he was always looking sad and was looking at his phone. I laughed then but now I must say that I am believing it. She is beautiful with a touch of roughness and obvious wit to her. I'm not saying that Sherlock was mourning and droning on in life. Sherlock was, is and will always be the insensitive twit smart arse but for some reason Molly was just the one who cared enough to see it. I'm just saying I'm a life changer, but what can I say? I'm extravagant.

"What's wrong Sherlock?" I say as if I don't know but it's bloody obvious.

"Nothing." He smiles and looks at me and looks at me quickly looking completely normal again.

"Miss. Adler, may we come in and have a look around?"

"Actually the name is Mrs. Valerie West. Come right in Sherlock and who is this?" She looks at me.

"This is Amelia. My apprentice." For some reason I curtsy.

"Did you just curtsy?" Sherlock laughs.

"Shut up." I grit through my teeth.

"Pleasure to meet you." I say smiling to Valerie or Irene or whatever I should call her. I'll just avoid calling her anything for now.

We walking into the large home and look around standing on one spot as if I have never been here before.

"Nice place." I say admiring all the things I didn't when we broke in.

"Don't act. If you are friends with Sherlock you would have broken in at least three times before."

"Actually just once, and that time I nearly died."

"Ah! Yes! On to that now," Sherlock says. "But first these daughters of yours," he gestures to a photo frame sitting above a fire place in a questioning voice as if he is not so sure who they really are and what they have to do with Irene. Valerie. Oh damn it.

"Yes, they are mine," she says also picking up on the question within the statement.

"So let me explain what really happened here. You and Richard Brooke knew each other when you were young?" He asks.

"We were best friends-"

"No, you were more than that weren't you, you were childhood sweet hearts. But something stopped that didn't they?" He says as if they both really knew what.

"Jim Moriarty. His twin brother grew jealous and while his devious self wanted you for himself. And he got you. Didn't he?"

"It was our engagement party, mine and Richards. And Jim explained to me that he was really in love with me the whole time. I left and never saw Richard again until recently when he confronted with this plan."

"So what happened in between?" I asked, really interested at how she was a simple young lady ready to get married and the next she is a tricky dominatrix then the next she is nowhere to be found then she is here with a family. Were they even hers? Were they actors? Assassins? Assassins with children included?

This was confusing, my head starts spinning and I get hit by a never ending wave of anxiety and I guess I was out of the hospital to soon. I collapse on the ground on the spot. This probably looks bad because I have collapsed twice and had a breakdown, all in front of Sherlock and to be honest they were really caused by him to.


I am so sorry, this story is just getting worse and worse but it is because I barely have enough time anymore and I am running out of inspiration. I really love any comments and suggestions. Love you x

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