Chapter 14

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Amelia's POV:

John is awake and so am I. We are safe for now I think and Sherlock and I are back to solving the case. I nothing has happened since we woke up. It wasn't long after I 'apparently' woke up and asked how I looked. As if that would be the the first thing I would say when I woke up.

Today Sherlock and I are confronting the family about the dolls because Sherlock thinks for some reason it wasn't Richard Brooke. He thinks someone in the family has something to do with it and since the children are to young it would be them.

He thinks the wife may have something to do with it but we haven't met her yet.

I have a lot of spare time on my hands now because I am doing internet schooling. Mrs. Hudson may have gotten a call about me not being at school enough and well she just took me out. Don't worry I didn't get away with it. A few little scoldings and lectures here and there by Mrs. Hudson and Mary. John did pitch in a little bit but we both knew he couldn't talk because he ditched work a few times due to the same reason as me.

Any way enough about that. We are now making our way to the mansion again and after what happened last time I am a little bit scared but this time we aren't doing a break in, search around thing. Just stopping in. Saying hi. Maybe an arrest will occur.

When we get there, there is evidence of somebody being home and I look at Sherlock and smile.

Is it bad when I am excited to arrest a murderer? Hope not.

We walk up to the door and Sherlock presses the buzzer. No answer. I get impatient and I go to press it but before I get there Sherlock is already ringing again, pressing it constantly in a staccato way then one long buzz.

"Come on! I know you're home!" Sherlock yells. We hear footsteps coming toward the door and it opens to a thin red haired woman with a sly red lipstick smile.

"What? No disguise Mr. Holmes? What a shame! I was really looking forward to that!" I give Sherlock a confused look. Who is this?

Sherlock is so white and speechless that I am even more perplexed.

"Miss. Adler." He greets.


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