Chapter 2

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Amelia's POV:

So I have been here a week now. I thought that maybe after everything my mother said about grandmother being a bad person was a lie until she bought up school.

I hate school.

Yeah I know that everybody hates school but I don't hate school the way they do. I hate it more. I despise any place that has anything to do with school. I hate the interaction of school. To be honest, the only subjects I truly like about school was mathematics, science and English. All the subjects anyone hated.

So here I am trying on the hateful uniform at home and part of me just wants to break a pen and spill ink on it or something, but I don't. I would feel bad as this uniform in itself was about $200. Maybe if I did accidentally I wouldn't feel so bad. I'll go up to Sherlock and see what he is up to. He'll have a good idea of what to do with it.

I know though I say I dislike mingling and getting to know people, I really enjoy this group of people here. I have been here a week and I already feel as if John and Mary have adopted me as their pet. Sherlock is just the annoying brother but I don't know what it is about him, I just find him interesting. Could be his brains or tendency to be rude and unsocial. Like me.

I go upstairs to see if anyone is home and open the door.

"Hello?" I say loud enough so someone could here me.

"What is it?- oh it's you Amelia." I don't know why, but no matter how many times I tell Sherlock, he calls me Amelia instead of Mia and he, for whatever reason, is the only person who can get away with it.

"What on earth are you wearing? It looks hateful!" As he says this he screws up his face and stares at my uniform as if it should be incinerated.

"My school uniform," I say wrinkling my nose,

"Oh. Well good luck with that. I always hated school. My mother always told me I should try to make friends and it always turned into a disaster. One time the police was even called." He turned away chuckling and went into the kitchen and I followed him.

"Have some tea or make yourself at home or whatever people say to be polite." He says picking up the tea pot. I looked over at the brain which I am hoping isn't a humans that is sitting over on the bench cut in half.

"Cool. What's that for?" I point at it.

"Mostly for scaring off unwanted guests, which is most certainly not working." I turn to him and scowl and he just gives me a big cheeky grin and hands me a cup of tea and a chocolate chip biscuit.

I hear a knock on the door and John and Mary walk in holding little Remi in her arms. Sherlock, as quick as lightning, puts down his coffee and walks over to Mary to take Remi out of her arms.

"Hello little dear!" He touches he nose then proceeds to throw her up and down.

"Sherlock! How many times have I told you? No throwing the baby around the apartment!" John yells at him.

"She seems like she is enjoying it," Sherlock says almost unaware of the danger.

"I swear to god, if you drop my child I am going to cut off you-" John starts

"John!" Mary yells over the top of the racket. Sherlock soon stops throwing Remi around and cradles her, looking into her deep brown eyes.

Mary looks up at me and notices I am wearing my school uniform.

"Why on earth are you wearing your school uniform, Mia?" She says a little confused.

"Maybe if it gets ruined then grandmother won't send me to school," I said as if it was the most normal thing ever.

"Oh I see. Well good luck with that." She says then looks back at Remi who is slowly falling asleep in Sherlock's arms and smiles.

"Thank you." I grin and get up to make her and John some tea.

"Would you guys like anything? As I am your and everything. There isn't much I can get you as Sherlock hasn't gone shopping. Ever."

"No thanks dear," Mary says

"Banoffie pie, please," Sherlock says still looking at little Remi.

"No." I say slumping down on the seat.

"You could be a darling and go shopping for him," John says handing me a fifty dollar note.

"That's what's I'm here for," I took the money, smiled and left to go down the street to the grocers shop.

Sherlock's POV:

Funny girl that Amelia. She always seems to impress me. I watch her walk out on to the street, trip then look around to see if anyone saw. I scoff then walk around my seat to pick up my laptop and go onto my Science of Deduction page to see if there are any interesting murders to solve. I winced to see that there was nothing interesting or fun to solve.

I was popular when John was my blogger but now it is like I was just a phase that everyone went through. Now I'm just the weird 'psychopath'. And how many times do I need to bloody-well tell people I am a high-functioning sociopath? The only people that really understand this is John and Mary. I don't know what Amelia thinks of me and I don't know why but that annoys me.

I wonder if Amelia wants work experience? Being young, she could keep up with me and it would be easy to teach her new things.

Nope. I won't go there. She would be a pain in the ass. She and I treat each other like brother and sister and get on each other's nerves so it wouldn't turn out to happily. For anyone.

I look to John and Mary who are silently admiring their beautiful baby.

Well I have no John now do I am all alone in the crime world again and having a sidekick always made it a lot easier. Of course if John heard me call him his side kick, he would definitely attempt to punch me in the groin. All well.

"John, now that you aren't my sidekick anymore-" he attempts to hit me in the face but I guard it by ducking, sending him flying towards the nearby door with Amelia walking in proudly holding Banoffie pie.

A deduction: this isn't going to end well.

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