Chapter 8

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I walk inside the flat and see Mrs. Hudson sitting at the dining room table with a look of worry on her face then a flash of relief when she sees me walk into the room.

"Where have you been dear?" She said and I realise that Sherlock definitely didn't get her permission to take me out of school. Damn Sherlock.

"School?" I said in more of a question than an answer.

"I called and you weren't there, darling, where were you?" She has more worry in her voice and I realise how unthankful I had been. I mean she gave me a place to stay and food and even an education all I had done is been rude and taken it all granted.

"Um.. Sherlock kind of came and got me-"

"Oh Sherlock!"

"But I thought he must have gotten your permission to go ahead or something so I went, I am really sorry." I said hoping that it was a good performance enough for her to accept it.

"It's ok darling, I am just going to go have a talking to with Sherlock," she said this, picked up a wooden spoon and went up stairs. She may have been a quaint little old lady on the outside but she really, truly had guts. I smiled as I imagined what Sherlock was about to go through. Oh Sherlock, you are basically asking for it, silly child.

I heard a knock on the door and I go to check who it was, still scared about the whole warehouse and mirror incident and cautiously open the door. It was only John and Mary, with Remi in a cradle.

"Hey guys!" I say opening the door wide enough to fit the little stroller in. Neither of them smiled, they just went straight up to Sherlocks flat with worried looks, so our of curiosity I followed them.

"What is going on?" I asked both of them hoping to get an answer. John stopped and turned around,

"It is Moriarty. He's back."


"Tell us what happened and don't miss out on anything," John said. We were all in the small living room and they were all looking at me expecting me to tell them everything that happened, not missing a detail.

"Well I went in and I took Sherlocks directions to the small room and that's where the girl was sitting, then umm.. you told me to wait, and so I did then when you told me to go I opened the door and there were mirrors-everywhere- and a man... And the words did you-"

"Miss me?" Sherlock finished for me.

"Yeah.." I said noticing how white he looked.

"What about it?" I looked from Mary to John and then to Sherlock.

"Does the name Jim Moriarty ring a bell?" John asked me.

"I saw him in the papers about six or seven months ago explaining how he was raised from the dead or something?" I said wanting a full explanation of what was happening.

"And then the time before that and he got some boffin guy to jump off of a building to. That guy came back two years later I think." I said explaining everything I knew about the guy. It wasn't much but I thought it would help.

"That boffin guy you sure? Yeah that was this guy," John said pointing at Sherlock who had his hand up, but still looking at the ground as if he was thinking really hard about something.

"What did the man look like?" John asked.

"Well it had to be Moriarty, isn't it obvious?" Sherlock stated as if it was the only explanation.

"You never know, it could be anyone, just trying to scare us off or something," John said.

"Just let her talk!" Mary said over the top of the top of them.

"Um, I didn't get a good look but he was short with black hair in a combover. He had a nice suit on but his posture ruined it since he was slumping with a weird smile on just staring at me. Like this," I got up and demonstrated even though I look nothing like him with my tall and lanky body and blonde braids with my uniform still on.

"Yep that's definitely him." John said.

"Yep. That's him. Good job Mia." Sherlock said with a sarcastic clap and I straightened my bad posture and put on a big cheesy smile and bowed to him and then turned to Mary and bowed to her to. She laughed and patted the seat next to her for me to take a seat.

"So the dolls and the girls, they all have to do with him?" John asked.

"Well yeah," I said thinking it was fairly obvious and Mary knocked me on the head part playfully and partly telling me not to be rude.

"I don't know." Sherlock said finally after a few moments of silence.

"But they must be related some how?" I said confused.

"We have been expecting this for a while so what if somebody is just posing as Moriarty? We have only been looking into this case for a day and we already have the culprit and the girl back, why was it this easy?" Sherlock asked, but it was mostly just to him self. He then lied down on the long couch where Mary and I were sitting with his head on my legs and his feet on Mary's lap.

"I need answers!" He said, quite dramatically, but it was true. We have a small families life in danger and all we were doing was sitting around and that is all we could do. Sit down and contemplate the answers of the mystery.

Authors Note:

Sorry for the short chapters and the lack of good English and spelling :) haha. Feel free to point out any mistakes :) ily

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