Chapter 16

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I should never have come here. Why did I ever leave my foster family? Why did I need to be so curious about everything like who my grandmother is? How could I just discard everything my real mother said?

I done it. I have actually been the worst daughter in the world to a mother who isn't even alive anymore. I feel horrible, a dizziness overwhelms me and I need to shut my eyes again.

I am at St. Barts, but not in the morgue studying the coagulation of saliva after death.

I am in a bed and the smell of sanitisers and chemicals is surrounding me more than the thin blanket on top of me.

I am so self absorbed and as I say that I realise that I started the sentence-no paragraph with I again.

I, I, I, that is all I ever say or think about. Myself.

Did it never occur to me that I have ruined this case, completely. Even if it didn't it has definitely hit now.

Look I'm going to stop complaining and just get on with the story because that is really what you want to hear isn't it? Whether you are swiping right, flipping pages or using the click of a button to go the next page of this awful story about the infamous Sherlock Holmes and his pet and best friend John Watson. I am just a speed bump along the way, getting in the road of what you really want to read. So I will tell what has happened while I have been in a stress and drug induced comatose state of existence.

So yes I did almost ruin the case. While Sherlock was being Sherlock and cracking the code to a mastermind plan that has taken him years to crack, I decided oh yippee time to faint. So I did. And the ambulance was called, Valerie or Irene got away. Her husband and children were taken in for questioning (by Sherlock of course- and don't worry, just because they're are children doesn't mean he went easy on them). Hamish ended up cracking and telling us the whole story, he fell in love with Miss. Valerie West at a cooking class in Switzerland. Six months later she fell pregnant with our first girl, so they got married. He and the kids weren't actors and he had no idea about the plan. Sherlock thought he would be nice and tell him a bit about "Valerie's" background. Hamish was crushed but why wouldn't he be? He had a family with a lady he barely knew but so do most teenage girls (having families with guys they barely know, if you didn't pick up on that). Anyway he went to live with his parents in Ireland. As for Richard Brooke and Irene we don't really know what is to be of them or if they ran away together or separate or whether they are still even conspiring.

Mrs. Hudson is sending me off to an all girls boarding school when I recover and I will be studying science and maths. They also have one of the largest libraries on that side of the country so I'll be looking forward to that. Sherlock says that when I study- which means getting to know more about the Science of Deduction- and finish school I will be able to come back and join him on cases (if I can handle it.) but as for now I will go back to school, study more and build up my tolerance for more conspiracies and deaths while John rejoins Sherlock on more cases. I told Keely to stay in touch, but I don't think that will happen but oh well, who has time for friends anyway?

So there we have it. Yes you are probably annoyed that I didn't end the case, or if anything I ruined it but I think some mysteries are meant to be left unsolved-untouched. Well not really, that's just my way of saying I'm a lazy, dumb tool that has more learning to do.

I will never forget these few months, ever. They have been the best one of my life, the months where I was Sherlock's Apprentice.


or is it???

Yeah. It is.


Sorry it took me forever ha yeah I know it sucks but this isn't the biggest disappointment in your life so you will probably get over it. Hopefully. Haha thank you for reading and feel free to share your comments or vote or something haha thanks,

Bye all ✌️


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