Chapter 3

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Amelia's POV:

So here I am, walking into 221B Baker Street, proudly holding the Banoffie pie that I got for Sherlock then all I see is John flying towards me and Sherlock watching in horror as the pie flies straight into my unsuspecting face then everything went black.

So yes. Now I can say I have been knocked out by a flying man and a Banoffie pie. At least my hopes for my school uniform being ruined actually happened.

John's POV:

So, as you may know, Sherlock has a little thing for bad timing. Mia is now laying down on the ground with cream all over her face and a broken nose. Poor thing. I guess it was partially my fault but to be fair to myself, Sherlock knew I would try and hit him if he ever called me his side kick. He was asking for it. Part of me feels like laughing at her and the other part feels horrible for coming at her so fast that she breaks her nose with a cream Banoffie pie.

By now we have her cleaned up lying-or as cleaned as we can get her while she is unconscious- laying down on the long couch with a bleeding cut on her nose where it is certainly broken. Mary has gone out to get some supplies to fix Mia's nose and a few Sherlock has some pain killers in his bedroom for whatever he is getting for me as I sit by the couch and wait for her to wake up. It has only been about three minutes but we had snapped into action straight away.

Where is mrs. Hudson when you need her anyway? Her granddaughter gets a broken nose and knocked unconscious and she isn't even in the apartments.

Mary and Sherlock come back and Amelia is still unconscious on the couch.

"Now look what you have done Sherlock! This poor unsuspecting child has only been here a week and she already has an injury!" I say part jokingly and partly accusing him.

"Oh calm down John it isn't that bad! It's just a broken nose! She'll get over it in no time!" Sherlock says looking at her and I think I see a tiny bit of worry in his face but as quick as I see it, it's gone.

"Oh my god.. My nose is broken?" Mia says in a whisper waking up.

"Yes dear and you look horrible." Sherlock blatantly says.

"SHERLOCK!" Mary and John say in unison. Mary then drags him by his ear to the kitchen and as he wines.

I look at Amelia's dismantled face and she is smiling at Sherlock's lack of luck.

"It was nice of you to get that banoffee pie for him. Being such a cock, you would think you would never want to get him anything. Why did you even get it for him?" I said, sincerely wondering why the hell she of all people would want to get him something nice.

She sat up slightly and explained herself.

"To be honest, I was getting it so you, Mary and I could eat it in front of him," she said with a cheeky smirk and I chuckled. These to are never going to be at peace with one another.

Soon Mary comes out with a pouting Sherlock who is folding his arms looking straight out the window. Oh how my wife never seizes to impress me. She probably threatened him with the gun again. They are both standing next to each other, Mary looking very proud and Sherlock unimpressed. She looks at Sherlock expecting him to do something he obviously isn't doing. She nudges him and he starts.

"Amelia, would you like-" he winces and turns to Mary who pats her waist.

"Would you like to go to dinner with me?" He mumbles under his breath. Mia smile at me and we both know what she is going to do.

"Sorry what did you say?" She says but later winces because of the pain in her nose

"Come to dinner." He says a little louder.

"I can't hear you?"

"OH MY GOD! Just say yes already!" He says obviously irritated with her behaviour.

"Sorry but I like men my own age." She says teasing him a little more.

"That is not what I meant. Mary explain!" He looks at Mary. This man is the most dramatic man I have ever met.

"Mia, if you will please go to dinner with Sherlock, he has a preposition for you concerning work." She explains calmly. Sherlock whinges a little more and she knocks him on the head. Unsocial little twit. He walks over to Remi's rocker where she is sound asleep. He goes to pick her up but Mary stops him.

"Uh Sherlock! What did we explain?"

"But I did it!"

"No, it needs to happen before to hold her!" Mary says. Though Sherlock might be the most incomparable, unsocial man you may ever meet, his weakness is Remi. He adores Remi more than most can adore a baby. Though who wouldn't adore her? She's so beautiful!

"You can't take her away from me! I need to hold her or my brain won't function correctly! There are crimes I need to solve and they all depend upon me holding this baby!" He says adding a little drama by collapsing on the couch next to Mia.

"New rule," I say grinning to Mia. "Sherlock can hold the baby when Mia says so," as I say this Mia claps as Sherlock sulks and sinks into the couch a little bit more.

"I'm a grown man! Don't treat me like a child!" He wines on.

"The child that you are," Mia says

"Exactly! Wait no that's not what I was saying!" He puts his hand on his face. About one minute later he slides them down his face and gives Mia his famous puppy dog eyes.

"...fine.." She says feeling bad for the poor bloke. He gets up and makes his way to the child.

"Rule one in crime solving: no giving in to the antagonist." He says holding Remi gently bobbing up and down looking at her soft, feather like hair.

"Wait, what?" She says confused.

"I'll explain at dinner tonight, be outside your flat dressed casual and comfortable by eight sharp."

"Will do sir!" She said flippantly getting up, still holding a piece of paper towel up to her bleeding nose.

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