Chapter 5

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Amelia's POV:

So here we are, Sherlock and I, walking down Baker Street, each with a little paper bag of hot chips and a bottle of water, though it's freezing and ten at night, I only have on my blazer and I barely notice. I start wondering if this was what Mary had in mind for dinner and this is what Sherlock was supposed to say to me.
"Is this what Mary had in mind for dinner? And what were we meant to actually talk about?" What can I say? I speak my mind.
"No, she had a nice three course meal in mind. I was actually meant to say sorry. Ha that is never going to happen though, your nose looks hilarious." He says in a matter of fact tone.
"Well then, now we have that sorted, where is my other two courses mr. Holmes?" I say all English and proper, although I am originally from London, I still add the accent.
"You get nothing but the pleasurable company of me," he says as if he is serious. He can't be because his company is a whole lot less than pleasurable. And although I sound like I enjoy his company, I loath it. Well not really, but he is annoying. He then proves this by tripping me and me saving myself and my food by turning it into a dance. He then laughs at my awkward stature and throws his empty bag into a nearby bin. He then puts his hand out as if to join.
"My lady," he jokes,
"Oh, you have got to be kidding. The most unsociable man asking me for a dance? Well come along Mr. Darcy, show me how it is done!" Still holding my food, I link my arm in his and we are soon dancing cross skipping. Though he is coordinated, I tend to trip a few times which makes him stumble, which then causes me to end up dropping my hot chips and we both laugh. He is laughing at me though, while I am laughing at my bad luck. I hit him over the head and keep walking and he walks slowly behind.
"Who am I?" I ask,
"Well you are being quiet, rude and dramatic so I must guess you are being.. Hmm .. John?" He guesses
"Nope!" I say walking ahead.
"Oh you wouldn't be pretending to be me?" He says gobsmacked.
"Good job William!" I say smiling,
"How did you know that?" He says a little shocked.
"Well your frown line says that-no I'm kidding, John told me." I start a joke deduction.
"He said he wouldn't tell!" He said.
"Well he did," I say grinning a little bit.
"Well do you have a middle name?" He says. We are nearly at the door of 221B Baker Street.
"I'm Amelia Elena Hudson." He smiles when I say my full name.
"That's actually the nicest name I have ever heard," he says.
That was unexpectedly nice.
"Too bad it is yours." And there it is. He opens the door and i get out of the cool air and into the warm apartments.
"Any way, good night!" I say smiling, entering into my flat.
"Good night!" He yelled going upstairs to his.
"Oh dear, you are home! I managed to get the caramel out of your uniform," Mrs. Hudson. I turn and smile at her as if this is the nicest thing she has ever done.
"Thank you!" I say lying through my teeth.
"Now off you pop! Into bed now," she said shooing me off into my room. I grab a green apple and take a bite as I leave.
An hour later I am in bed reading my book when I hear steps rushing down the steps.
"Sherlock?" Mrs. Hudson calls.
"Get Amelia for me!" I hear him call from my room and although I am in my pyjamas I excitedly throw on my shoes and a coat and race out the door but before we could get outside Mrs. Hudson stops us.
"What is going on you two? It's midnight!" Sherlock turns to her and a smile breaks out on his face.
"The game is on, Mrs. Hudson!" And we run out into the night once again.

Authors Note:
Sorry for the short chapters but there is a lot of action about to happen and I'm trying to break it down.

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