Chapter 7

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I wake up eerily to the sound of a beeping digital alarm clock on my bedside table.

School. Yay.

I get up and throw on my uniform which has been newly cleansed of the caramel that was in the banoffee pie.

How many ways can Mrs. Hudson prove what a saint she is?

I mean she is doing the completely right things and giving me meals and an education and stuff but do I really need an education? Like really? I practically already have a job with Sherlock, but after me running out on the first night I don't know how much he still wants my help. It was just a little overwhelming, I mean I hadn't slept in ages and I am the kind of girl who likes to act and get things done so what did he expect?

By now I am sitting at the table with my porridge and small cup of orange juice in front of me.

To be honest, I have never really enjoyed porridge. I am okay when it has brown sugar or sultanas mixed in with it, but plain porridge grosses me out. A lot.

I dig in anyway because it is brain food and I am starving since last night I only really ate a few chips and an apple.

When I finish I go to the small bathroom which only consists of a small bath, a toilet and a mirror above the sink.

I look in the mirror and notice that I have bags that small children could fit in under my eyes and I realise that that is probably why John looked so tired the other day. It wasn't Remi, it was years of working with Sherlock.

I throw on a bit of make up and do my hair in my usual two braids.

I walk outside to see my grandmother standing there with a big smile.

"Oh your first day of school! I'm so proud! Now when you get outside just whistle a taxi over and tell them to go to here," she instructed me holding a piece of paper and pointing at where it had the school name.

"Okay," I said smiling tiredly.

"Oh that Sherlock! Well, I have told him no crime solving-"

"What? No!" I interrupted.

"Let me finish dear," she said smiling. "No crime solving on a school night,"

"Oh. That's ok, I'm sure I can handle it." I said.

"Oh, dear, he's broken another one," she said smiling.


I step out of he taxi paying him with the money that Mrs. Hudson gave me and look up at the massive school I have been dropped off at. I am tempted to run away, but I think I at least owe it to Mrs. Hudson to go in and try it. Damn conscience.

I walk in to what looks to be the entrance to an office.

"As soon as you get the go to the main office and give them your name and they will point you in the right direction," I remember my grandmother saying. So I walk in, hoping to be in the right place and thank god I am because when I walk in, a scary, old hawk-looking lady walks up to me and asks me my name.

"Amelia Hudson, ma'am," I say feeling as if I should curtsy or something.

"First thing, no make up to be worn at this school," she hands me a wipe that came out of no where and I wipe off the small amount of foundation and mascara with it.

"Second, you will call us all either ma'am or sir," she said strictly.

"I just did," I pointed out,

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