chapter five

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He led me through the large white door that held his bedroom, sitting me down on his bed he turned his head to face me, his brown curls flipping and swaying as he moved, his bright eyes twinkling in the light, his brow furrowed into a concerned frown.

”Anna, I need to know, is it you? the girl I see every Friday in Starbucks?” He asked, his nose twitching.

”Yes” I replied quietly looking down at my hands, I didn’t want him to question me, I knew I wasn’t ready to give out any answers. My eyes began to become blurred as I tried my hardest to blink back the tears that were forming in my eyes. I couldn’t cry, not again. I had cried enough the past few days I couldn’t cry now,not infront of harry. snap out of it anna. I told myself in disgust. To late, a warm, wet tear slowly trickled down my red cheek. Lifting my hand to wipe it away I was faced with harry, placing his warm big hand over my own pushing it back down on top my lap and he lifted both his hands and held my face slowly wiping away my tears with his soft thumb, caressing my cheeks slowly and soothingly.

”hey, hey now don’t cry Anna, everything will be okay. I promise” He whispered, just loads enough for me to hear, it was very calming. He pulled my head and let me snuggle into his chest taking in his smell warm smell of aftershave and coca butter. Lifting his hand he stroked my hand rocking me slightly and kissing the top of my head when he felt appropriate.

”look, Anna” He whispered eventually breaking to comfortable silence that had settled around us. I looked up to see him looking down at me, a his pink lips curving slightly at the sides as he smiled.

”I understand, your not ready to open up yet, I respect that but let me help you, you need me. I promise I wont hurt you” He said, stroking the back of my head. I nodded, not able to make any words come out of my mouth. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a big hug I wrapped my arms around his waist burying my face in his neck as I sobbed quietly. I was scared, scared that if harry found out my background he would run a mile, most people did. So why would he be any different? I didn’t want to lose him, I barely knew him but I felt comfortable in his presence and he acted like he cared. He pulled away from me and standing up.

”C’mon, go clean your face and we’ll go for dinner” He smiled sympathetically. I nodded and smiled, heading for the bathroom, I planted a small kiss on his left cheek and gave him a quick hug. Before wandering into the en suite bathroom.

”What was that for?” He questioned looking puzzled.

”To say thankyou, for being here, you havn’t done what everybody else does and forced answers out of me, and for that i’m gratefull” I smiled.

”oh” He blushed.” I’ts okay, I figured you needed me” I smiled, I turned around ”Oh and Anna, You should smile more often, its beautiful” He grinned. Giggling I shut the bathroom door and looked into the mirror standing on the tiled wall, God I looked awful. My hair was a mess tangled and knotty, Black makeup was running freely down my sodden cheeks my eyes red and puffy from tiredness and crying. Sighing I shook my hair out brushing through it with the brush I assumed to be Harry’s, Splashed cold water over my warm face and wiped off the extra make-up that still clung to my eyes. I looked in the mirror again, fixing my fringe. I looked a little better, but my eyes were still red and puffy, the bags under my eyes now more visible due to lack of make up. Not happy with my appearance I headed back to harry who sat in his room on the bed with his head in his hands. He looked up as he heard me enter forcing a smile onto his face he stood up taking my hand for the second time that night. I felt it, I’m sure he felt it to I looked down at our hands, Our hands locked, our fingers entwined together. It felt like a surge of energy had burst up my arm,like an electric shock but it wasn’t atall painfull. Butterflys corrupted into my stomach as we headed down the corridor towards the lift. He pulled his hand away from mine and pressed the button to take us to the dining room, Placing his left hand on the exposed skin on the small of my back I allowed him to push my into the lift, feeling comfortable at his touch, I wasn’t like this with anybody. Not even family I wasn’t a huge fan of the whole touchy thing, people would very rarely hug me because I just didn’t like it because of past experiences, that I didn’t want to talk about with anyone. But with Harry  it was different, I went all jelly like at his touch, every part of  my body tingled and my stomach was sent wild. I liked it, for the first time in years I allowed somebody to touch me in the way that harry did, He of course was oblivious to this we carried on acting like this, I was happy. It was weird, I looked at him and didn’t see the famous Harry Styles, I saw Harry, the mystery boy from Starbucks I could see the vulnerability in his bright green orbs, I remembered somebody once telling me nobody could have perfect eyes, and honestly I believed this until I met harry, they twinkled when appropriate and when he looked sad, or concerned they were dull, and sunked the colour drained.But right at this minute he seemed on top of the world, It’s weird, you can tell how somebody is feeling just by looking at them closely. Could I be? I asked my self seriously. Could I? Am I falling for Harry Styles?

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